On 1.6.65, Fr Julian Tenison Woods wrote to his friend, W H Archer Esq, from Penola. This letter perhaps proves what good friends these two really were because anyone else might have taken umbrage at receiving a letter in which most of the sentences are questions!

The letter does, however, accompany a hair specimen from an opossum mouse, requested by William Archer, so asking each other questions may not have been all that unusual at this stage when both were exploring the new country in which they found themselves. At least questioning was one way of getting the specific information needed when communication was dependent on the often irregular delivery of mail from place to place.

This is not only an entertaining letter but also gives an insight into the scientific work that Fr Julian was undertaking in between his parish responsibilities. He could always rely on William Archer to help him out. As he says, “I would not trouble you if I knew where to get them”.

View Letter 4 written from Penola on 1 June 1865:

Archer Letter 4 (PDF)