In his letter to William Archer on 12 October 1875, Fr Julian writes from Hobart where he seems to be busy about many things.

It seems Fr Julian had delayed answering William Archer’s last letter and had received, with both surprise and pleasure, a second one “tumbling in on the heels of the first”. As usual, there are requests to be attended to and views to share, particularly about plant life.

Fr Julian speaks of his role of caring for the Cathedral parish in the absence of Archbishop Murphy and one of his nephews, Archdeacon Beechinor. Yet, despite those important duties, he is classifying Tasmanian marine shells and getting papers ready to be printed.

There is light-hearted banter between the two correspondents around “Van Demons” and “lost tribes” and Fr Julian asks after Mrs Archer and the girls.

For the first time in this correspondence series, Fr Julian uses “Yours most truly in the Sacred Hearts” in his concluding phrase, words that he often used to sign off his letters to the Sisters.

This letter is the first to be written from Tasmania where Fr Julian spent considerable time between 1874 and 1876. Julian had already met Fr Daniel Murphy in London during his childhood. As Archbishop, Daniel Murphy had been involved in the Adelaide inquiry into the Sisters of Saint Joseph, after which Fr Julian accepted his invitation to give missions in Tasmania. No doubt he found life on the island a welcome respite from the dramas of life on the mainland.

View Letter 14 written from Hobart on 12 October 1875:

Archer Letter 14 (PDF)