A Raindrop Story…
I love to listen to stories that paint all manner of pictures and that take me along with the characters.
In 1985 whilst on a Renewal programme at Baulkham Hills, we were invited to write/welcome our own sacred myth. We were encouraged to just let it flow without any censoring. A suggested way to begin: ‘Once upon a time…’or ‘Many many years ago…’
This became an amazing experience for me and has been a source of healing and delight whenever I let it into my heart.
With trust I will share it with you:
My Sacred Myth
Many many years ago… too many years ago in fact,
a tiny raindrop fell from the heavens…
O what a great and wonderful night that was! For the whole earth
rejoiced at the birth of that little raindrop.
Where did the raindrop fall? Into a gutter on a cold, dark rainy night.
Who found the raindrop? A black cat
who happened out of bounds.
…he picked up the tiny wee raindrop as he passed the gutter and quite soon was making his presence felt at the back step of a tiny little house set among other little houses, two storey ones, that were often the cause of surprise, pain, fear and love… and many other experiences …too many to record here.
I’ll tell you now who opened the back door – a mother raindrop
with a gentle smile.
She brought in the little black cat , dried it with a towel
and placed it by the fire.
She then attended to this newly found little creature
by placing it in her heart.
Quietly, on tip toe in fact, she made her way over
to the father raindrop who was attending to the other raindrops
In that household.
They all seemed to look up together and what an explosion of love
As they all exclaimed together:
Our new baby raindrop, why not cal her JOY?
At that moment that new little raindrop quivered with joy
And still quivers to this day.
So that you’ll never think this story is lop-sided, I’ll tell you this….
Life for this new little raindrop did not prove to be all joy!!!
In fact, if we really concentrated on our sums, we’d find that the score
would read something like this…
95% sorrow… 5% joy
however, these two totals make up LOVE…
P.S. My mother used to tell me that a black cat brought me in on a rainy night.
Pattie Snudden rsj