NSW Associates Newsletter – June 2010
June 2, 2010
Associates’ Farewell for Helen Saunders, NSW Josephite Associates Coordinator
Victorian Associates – Autumn 2010
May 14, 2010
The wonderful news that Mary MacKillop is to be canonised on 17th October, has now seeped into our hearts and we are looking forward to being part of the celebrations.
SA Associates – April 2010
May 3, 2010
The FPS (Friendship, Prayer, Service) Event. On the 21st February we were privileged to have Sr Ursula Hoile rsj speak to us of her time as part of the Josephite ministry in Peru, which continues to this day.
New Zealand Associates – March 2010
April 27, 2010
Greetings to all Associates, Sisters and friends as, this year, we celebrate the long-awaited Canonisation of Blessed Mary MacKillop.
Victorian Associates – Autumn 2010
March 17, 2010
Autumn already and a new year is well on the way with adventures, celebrations and new ideas. The wonderful news that Mary MacKillop is to be canonised on 17th October, has now seeped into our hearts and we are looking forward to being part of the celebrations I am sure.
Queensland Associates – March 2010
March 17, 2010
Recently I have been visiting our Associates in Clermont, Capella and Allora. I would like to thank you all for the wonderful way you live the spirit of Mary MacKillop in your daily lives. I would also like to thank you for your great hospitality.
South Australian Associates – February 2010
March 17, 2010
The three key attributes of the Josephite Associates are Friendship, Prayer and Service. During 2010 the Leadership Team has made this the theme on which to focus and has invited us to reflect on this.
Western Australian Associates – Autumn 2010
March 17, 2010
At the gathering in Dardanup, Josephite Associates were present from 9 places, Dardanup, Boyanup, Perth, Busselton, Capel, Bunbury, Waterloo, Australind and Eaton for the Advent/Christmas/Summer Gatherings.
Victorian Associates – Summer 2010
January 2, 2010
As the year draws to an end and life seems to get more hectic, it is good to reflect on the past year. What have we achieved or gained? To take some time during Advent to reflect on the coming of Jesus and what this has meant for each, for our world and our future. Since the last Newsletter my car has been notching up the kilometres. At Yarram and Wonthaggi over 20 have decided to become Josephite
New Zealand Associates – December 2009
December 1, 2009
Mary MacKillop Centenary: We invited parishioners to join us to celebrate at our Mary MacKillop Parish Centre on 7th August, with St Joseph’s School performing a concert for our Senior Citizens Outreach.