If you have served on a board or committee previously, you will already have an understanding of your role and the responsibilities that come with it. If you are a new Director, the Board you are appointed to will provide you with some grounding on this.
What makes serving on a Josephite board different?
The difference is that the Boards and their Directors, in guiding Sisters of Saint Joseph Works, participate in God’s mission through the lens of Josephite spirituality. Your role is part of an evolving story. You are ‘standing for’ the Sisters as a member of a Board or Committee and bring your own gifts that will help the Incorporated Works flourish.
The Sisters of Saint Joseph Induction Program is designed to start an ongoing conversation for Board and Committee members about Josephite spirituality. It is a key expectation of the Sisters that Board and Committee members are committed and actively demonstrate that commitment to understanding Josephite spirituality and how it applies in the context of their role as Board Directors.
As a Board Director, you can expect that the Sisters and your Board/Committee will provide you with opportunities to explore the Josephite story and to identify your own personal response to the role in which your serve. This will include an invitation to attend the Sisters’ annual Board Formation Day and may include formation activities organised directly by your Board.
If you also hold a role as a Chair of an incorporated work, you will receive additional support from the Sisters, comprising gatherings of all Sisters of Saint Joseph Works Chairs three times per year.
The management personnel responsible for your Board/Committee will ensure that you receive information that is specific to your Sisters of Saint Joseph Work, as well as ensuring you understand your legal responsibilities. This will include key Board documents, such as strategic plans and policies and the arrangements for the conduct of the business of the Board, for example, the use of electronic Board portals (e.g. BoardPro) and meeting arrangements.