The Jubilarians who recently celebrated their Diamond Jubilee in January, share a reflection inspired by Joyce Johnson Rouse’s ‘Stand on the Shoulders’ and Josh Groban’s ‘You Raise Me Up’.
We have gathered by the side of the ones who entered with us,
Their faces etched with wisdom, the voices that we knew.
Their eyes light up with pleasure and their smiles expand with laughter
As pandemic regulations require a distant, warm, “Yoo hoo.”
Some old familiar places have now undergone reshaping,
Glen Roy Green, New Anderledy welcome us with open arms.
As we have been transformed by the wilful touch of time,
we bring with us the memories that have so enriched our charms!
Twenty one of the thirty two of us have managed to assemble
Each one bringing to the gathering unique gifts of mind and heart.
We are mindful of those absent and so wanted them to come,
Yet hope they felt included, as in spirit they took part.
On Friday 13 January,
We, the Diamond Jubilarians of 2023, gathered with our Sisters, family and friends, in Mary MacKillop Memorial Chapel, to celebrate, give thanks and rejoice.
We are standing on the shoulders of the ones who came before us
We are honoured by their passion, their guidance and support.
We shall stand a little taller, shall embrace our Mother Earth
And our shoulders will be there to hold the ones who follow us.
To those who spent themselves in preparation, accommodation, coordination, creating liturgy, communication, meeting the needs of body, mind and soul we offer the following accolade:
You lift us higher than we could ever fly,
Carrying us all along the way.
Can we imagine our celebration if you hadn’t tried?
We wouldn’t be so very blessed today!
We embraced in prayer, our twelve Jubilarians who’ve gone to eternal life.
And our shoulders will be there to hold the ones who follow us!