Easter is the most significant celebration in the Catholic liturgical calendar. Jesus Christ, God’s only beloved Son, was crucified for our sins.
It is a powerful reminder of the agony and suffering Jesus endured on our behalf, and understanding his suffering caused by our human shortcomings, fills many hearts with a deep sense of shame and sorrow during this time.
We are eternally indebted to Him, and it is this awareness that drives us to strive to be a better person, to do better, and to make a positive difference in the world.
For 40 days, millions of Catholics and members of other Christian denominations around the globe observe Lent, a time of prayer, fasting, and giving that leads up to Easter.
Preparing for Lent
There are various practices to help prepare for the season.
Fasting and abstinence are central to Lent, which can be challenging but provides an opportunity to exercise discipline and reflection.
While we often discuss giving up things for Lent, such as coffee, chocolate, or our favourite foods, we could explore alternative challenges.
- Pope Francis encourages us to pray more
- Acts of kindness, donate to charities
- Almsgiving
- Reflect on your faith
- Spend time with someone in need
- Look after the elderly
- Take time to grow closer to God
Pope Francis emphasised the importance of studying the Catechism of the Catholic Church. During Lent, various resources such as Lenten companions are ideal for gaining theological knowledge and reflecting. Click the links below.
Lenten Resources – for spiritual nourishment
- Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney: Let Your Will Be Done, Not Mine
- Catholic Diocese of Wollongong: Metanoia
Donations – for acts of kindness
Key dates during the Easter period include:
- Shrove Tuesday (pancake day) which occurs on the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday
- Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent
- Palm Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week
- Maundy Thursday (Great Thursday)
- Good Friday
- Holy Saturday
- Easter Sunday – The Resurrection
Easter events
The miraculous message of Easter is that through Jesus’ death on the Cross, we have been granted a second chance. To walk more closely with Him, we can participate in church events throughout the Easter season, renewing our faith and hope, anchored in God’s promise of salvation and eternal life.
- Join in the ancient devotion of Stations of the Cross. This is a journey to the heart of Jesus’ passion and death on the cross, drawing you into a deeper relationship with Jesus.
- Attend the beautiful Easter Vigil Mass, held on Holy Saturday, beginning with the lighting of the Paschal candle, symbolising Christ’s light.
- Experience the music during Lent at Mass which is noticeably different. Lent introduces a different selection of hymns, creating a more sombre and solemn atmosphere. This may include plainchant (unaccompanied or A cappella music) and hymns that are fitting for the season, allowing more room for silence.
Easter Sunday is the culmination of joy and relief from the Lenten observances and sombre Masses as we celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
We then fall into the period we call Paschal time or Eastertide, a seven-week season that begins on Easter Sunday and ends with Pentecost Sunday.
We can now enjoy our easter eggs, which represents new life, have a festive meal with family and friends, and be grateful for all that Jesus Christ has done for us, is doing for us, and continues to do for us.
As we move through Lent, let us reflect on Saint Mary MacKillop and the early Josephite Sisters who knew about sacrifice and suffering as they carried out God’s work. Travelling long distances to remote areas leading very simple lives, regardless, they still believed in the joy of giving and the hope of new life through Easter.
In this Jubilee 2025 year, Pope Francis invites the faithful to “journey together in hope,” and to take the opportunity of the upcoming Lenten Season to embark on a path of spiritual renewal and move out of our comfort zones. Christians must walk together and not alone.
Enjoy your Lenten journey! God bless.
Renate Cassis
Graphic and Digital Designer, Congregational Administration Services