Will you help families like Kerry's experiencing financial hardship and distress get the support they need?
Will you help families like Kerry’s experiencing financial hardship and distress get the support they need?

Currently, more than 50% of Australia’s population is experiencing mental distress directly linked to the cost-of-living crisis that is gripping the nation.[1] Sadly, this type of situation is becoming a reality for too many people as bills like food, electricity, housing and rent skyrocket.

It’s heartbreaking, as more people who never needed support before are finding themselves in a desperate situation.

Financial stress goes beyond money issues – it takes an enormous toll on mental health, relationships, and overall wellbeing.

Such was the case with Kerry, a young mum living in regional New South Wales with her two children Tom*, aged six and Emily*, aged one, who was struggling to make ends meet. Kerry fled a toxic relationship with nothing but the clothes that she and her children were wearing. Kerry felt alone and hopeless and she turned to Mary MacKillop Today for help.

She met with Glen, one of Mary MacKillop Today’s expert Financial Inclusion Officers, who helped her work through her financial situation. This hands-on support was such a relief to Kerry that she continued to meet with Glen to learn more financial management skills.

Kerry shared, “I wanted to learn more about money and to grow as a person. Glen has allowed me to open up about what I needed. I feel confident that there is more that I can do with my finances. Mary MacKillop Today has provided me with notebooks, a calculator, budget planners. They’re small things but they’ve already made a big difference in my life.”

“People need to feel they’re not alone in their financial stress. It’s about making sure they know there is always a way out, no matter how bad their situation.” said Glen.

Mary MacKillop Today’s Financial Inclusion program offers people in need a ‘hand up’ to empower them to take control of their finances so they can turn their life around and thrive.

The team at Mary MacKillop Today is delighted to see how Kerry has been able to get her life and that of her children back on track. Kerry’s children are doing well now. Kerry has started a part time job that is helping to build up her self-confidence, Tom is now in school, and Emily is learning to walk.

Sadly, there are more people like Kerry who need help. When you support Mary MacKillop Today, you make a real difference in the lives of people like Kerry and her family by relieving financial distress and helping them get their lives back on track.

By donating today, you will help continue Saint Mary MacKillop’s legacy of walking alongside people in need just as Mary and the Sisters of Saint Joseph did when they travelled across rural and remote communities living on the margins over 150 years ago.

Thank you for any support you can give: www.marymackilloptoday.org.au/help-families-in-financial-crisis

Siobhan Reynolds
Director of Marketing and Communications, Mary MacKillop Today


[1] Suicide Prevention Australia Community Tracker, 2023
* Name and image changed to protect privacy.