A New Chapter for Josephite Associates.

On this tenth anniversary of the canonisation of Saint Mary MacKillop, we also celebrate a milestone in the life of those women and men who are drawn to give expression to living the Gospel with a Josephite heart.
Formerly known as Josephite Associates, the Josephite Companions will launch their new name together with a new logo on Saturday 17 October 2020. In association with the Sisters of Saint Joseph of the Sacred Heart, Josephite Companions embrace the Josephite charism as they live the Gospel in their daily lives.
The Josephite Associates Movement (now Companions), stemmed from the teaching of the second Vatican Council with its vision of Church and community. Josephite Companions are women and men from all walks of life who are drawn to the spirit of St Mary MacKillop and Julian Tenison Woods and who are active in ministry in Australia, Aotearoa New Zealand, Peru, Timor-Leste and Scotland.
Josephite Companions participate in the life and mission of the Church by living out the Josephite charism through friendship, prayer and service. They firmly believe that “doing the ordinary with a Josephite heart” is a way of enriching their own lives as well as the lives of others.
Together with their new name and newly designed logo, new resources including a Companions’ Prayer and a “Discovery Program” have also been developed. All of which are for anyone wishing to explore the idea of becoming a Josephite Companion.
Josephite Companions rejoice in going forward and living life in the spirit of St Mary MacKillop as they continue God’s mission in an evolving world.
The link to the new Josephite Companions section and their launch video will be available on the Sisters of Saint Joseph website from Saturday 17 October 2020.