Let’s sing of gratitude! Lives graced and woven together in constant streams of Love.
Where does one begin to sum up six days of togetherness as part of a journey that began as long as eighty years ago for some of us? ‘Come journey with us, listen to us.’
We are full of gratitude to our family and friends who have companioned, supported, encouraged, and befriended us since the day we were born. Jubilee became a time to feel very much loved and appreciated as we reflected on our specific Josephite journey. For most of us this began in 1971 as over forty enthusiastic young women came from most states of Australia, from Aotearoa New Zealand and Ireland to sample Josephite life. Some of these in the next three years discerned that God was calling them in a different direction.
On 6 January 1974, twenty-six of us made our commitment to living God’s call in the Josephite family. From there we began dispersing all over the globe in a wide variety of ministries and pathways until we got to 5 January 2024 when fourteen of us still on the Josephite journey, gathered at St Joseph’s Convent, Mount Street, North Sydney, our spiritual home. We were joined in spirit by one of our group who remained in Ireland and we were graced by the presence of another who had begun her journey as a Missionary Sister of Mary Queen of the World in Vietnam, but later joined the Josephites. We also felt very much the presence of Deanne who has gone to God.
As we gathered there was a sense of belonging with each other, being able to take up where we had left off. Most of us had not seen each other for ten years and only three or four times in the fifty years. There was a lot of talking, sharing memories, family news, ministry experiences and so the list goes on. Over the time we had some shared experiences and other small group activities.
Led by Elaine Smith rsj, we shared a reflection day, looking at the journey of our individual lives, sharing some of that journey and seeing where, having been gifted in so many ways, our threads of commonality are strong and faithfulness is the colour that binds us together.
Our Jubilee Mass was the highlight of our time together. Having never come together to plan but used the wonders of modern technology, there was always the concern that it wouldn’t flow prayerfully on the day. But it was a time of grace with glorious music provided by other Josephites, two wonderfully inclusive priests, Ann Gilroy rsj who gave the reflection, Sr Bernadette and her sisters who provided a colourful but very reverent Presentation of the Gifts Vietnamese style, a beautifully decorated Chapel and so the list goes on.
Standing together to recommit ourselves by our vows proclaiming to the assembly that we “… choose to give myself completely to God and to commit myself wholeheartedly to this religious community” was a solemn moment which we entered into with joy.
This was followed by a scrumptious lunch, presented by the catering staff of Mary MacKillop Place. With their hospitality counterparts, they had attended to our every need during our stay. With our guests, we dined in style.
This was followed later in the week with another wonderful culinary experience at Vaucluse House where we were treated to a very special high tea, hosted by Monica Cavanagh rsj, our Congregational Leader. We were certainly made to feel this was our time!
Other ‘excursions’ were enjoyed in small groups. Some followed Mary MacKillop’s footsteps around The Rocks area. Some went to the Blue Mountains where we had enjoyed holidays in the Lawson convent a long time ago. Some took the ferry to Manly for fish and chips – another memory. Others spent special time with family and friends who had travelled to Sydney for the occasion while there was much joy in catching up with Josephites they hadn’t seen for many years. It was amazing how many things a small group of ‘older’ women could manage in such a short time.
All in all it was a time to strengthen the bonds of connection that will both enhance and nourish the journey into the unknown future…
With the Monks of Weston Priory we sing:
and I want to sing it forever.
The colour and texture which you have brought into my being
have become a song,
and I want to sing it forever.
Anne Cannon rsj