Josephite Justice Network members at the Sydney Alliance forum.

The Josephite Justice Network (JJN) gathering for March 2025 was held at St Joseph’s Baulkham Hills in Norwest (Sydney) from Friday 14 March to Sunday 16 March. Josephite Sisters, Companions, organisational partners and guest speakers from across Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand were all present. Inspired by Emily Dickinson’s description of hope as “the thing with feathers that perches in the soul and sings the tune without the words and never stops at all,” our gathering focused on how we can use this year of Jubilee to ignite hope in the lives of all those we serve.

On Friday afternoon, we paused to remember and reflect on the remarkable life of Carmel Hanson, a Sister of St Joseph Lochinvar, one of our long-term members who died suddenly earlier this year. Carmel lived a life underpinned by justice and love for all, especially those living on the edges of our society. We had the opportunity to reflect on Carmel’s life through pictures while listening to one of her favourite songs, Standing on the Shoulders. Carmel will be missed by all who had the privilege of knowing her. The Josephite Justice Network will continue to use her life as a model of hope of what it looks like to live the Gospel every day of our lives.

Before dinner we had the opportunity to formally launch the publication of the JJN’s 2024 Annual Report (view below). All members sat in awe and pride as we flicked through the pages, remembering the challenges and achievements of 2024. Thank you to Vittoria Albanese (JJN Team Leader) for co-ordinating and formatting the mammoth task of collating all our reflections and stories!

Saturday morning was spent primarily in proactive discussion about our involvement in the past six months. We then discussed how we will report our work and hopes to Chapter. On Saturday afternoon we heard from our two guest speakers, Jane Woolford (CEO of Mary MacKillop Today) and Sheila Flynn OP (Dominican Sister). Both women presented on prophetic hope and how this can look within the times we find ourselves today. Both presentations were deeply moving and challenging.

We concluded our gathering on Sunday afternoon. During this time, we discussed all the ways in which we will commit to speaking Truth to Power, especially here in Australia before the upcoming 2025 Federal Election. A Federal Election Kit, Justice at the Ballot – Empower Change (view below) has been created to assist our whole Network and all surrounding communities to become informed voters before placing their ballots later this year.

Our deepest thanks to Jan Barnett, Co-ordinator of the Josephite Justice Network for facilitating and organising the program for our gathering. Jan’s leadership and inclusive facilitation skills never fail to ignite inspirational and challenging discussions between our Network members.

Below our members reflect on how our gathering inspired and challenged them as well as their hopes for our Network in 2025.

I left our JJN weekend inspired and filled with enthusiasm to speak up and act wherever and whenever I am aware of injustice. If we reflect on the world today, without a sense of hope and trust in God’s promise of redemption, what stands out is the devastation caused by acts of war, greed, lying, homelessness, poverty and injustice. Josephites are being called today to be the mind, heart and hands of God in a world of desperate need for peace, love, forgiveness and dignity for all. Together our Josephite Justice Network can make a difference in the lives of people and Earth as we stand together on the side of life to preserve the dignity, sacredness and wellbeing of all creation. We can influence others to speak truth to the abuse of power and injustice and our solidarity and advocacy can and will change what is happening in our neighbourhood and beyond.Kenise Neill rsj (CentreWest)
The Josephite Justice Network used the theme of hope, chosen by Pope Francis for this Jubilee year, for this gathering: “Fan the flame of hope that has been given to us and gain new strength by looking to the future with an open spirit, and far-sighted vision.” It is easy to become downcast and feel overwhelmed by the injustice that surrounds us. Joining those dedicated to helping the poor and discriminated, inspired by Mary MacKillop and Julian Tenison Woods, renews our hope. We remembered Carmel, a wonderful woman, who dedicated her life to justice, and did so with a great sense of humour. We recommitted ourselves to standing in solidarity with First Nations people, working with those who are ‘pushed to the edge’ through poverty, political advocacy, and caring for the Earth. With the Federal election in mind, an election guide, focused on justice, has been put together, and is available online. All participants came away with renewed energy, and hope for the future.Margaret Daly (SA)
A JJN gathering is like a shot in the arm of hope. The Network is a community of people putting their energy and passion into action. Being together in one place, sharing both wins and setbacks, acts as an antidote to the despair that can creep in as we tackle the sticky issues before our eyes. The 2024 Report powerfully illustrates the extent of our reach. My hope for 2025 is that we keep our fingers firmly on the pulse of the systemic issues that need our attention, all the while navigating what has the potential to be a chaotic and frustrating year ahead.Adrienne Gallie rsj (Aotearoa New Zealand)
This year I came to the Josephite Justice Network gathering with a heavy heart. A yoke of global grief weighing me down. But then I was embraced by fellow Josephite travellers and once again I knew I wasn’t alone in this unmapped place. I left for home with hope in my heart and a fresh courage to stand up for justice. Bev Turello (ACT)
The JJN weekend with its theme of Hope, enkindled in me the flame of hope that Pope Francis talks about, “Fan the flame of hope that has been given to us and gain new strength by looking to the future with an open spirit, and far-sighted vision.” Sr Sheila Flynn OP shared with us the story of Kopanang Community Trust Project in South Africa empowering women who have AIDS/HIV. The photo Sheila showed, of a woman with a huge smile who was attending a literacy and numeracy program, and who had just written 2+5=7 and it made sense to her – stays with me with her beaming face showing such a sense of achievement. This seemingly small step of empowerment and courage calls us all to step up and speak Truth to Power in a world where lies and false history are the order of the day. As Hannah Arendt states “this constant lying is not aimed at making people believe the lie, but at ensuring that no one believes anything anymore… with such a people you can do whatever you want.” Thank you, Jan, Emilia and Vittoria, for your thoughtful challenging preparation.Clare Conaglen rsj (NSW)

JJN Annual Report 2024 (FlippingBook)

JJN Election Kit 2025 – Justice at the Ballot (FlippingBook)

Emilia Nicholas
Josephite Justice Network