The Sisters of Saint Joseph of the Sacred Heart, in collaboration with the Sisters of St Joseph Lochinvar, share their Explore-Embrace-Embody Laudato Si’ Action Plan for the Josephite Community. View the launch video above.

Explore~Embrace~Embody is a Josephite Action Plan for the next seven years and reflects the body of Catholic Social Teaching presented in Pope Francis’ 2015 encyclical, Laudato Si’. The Action Plan embraces all Josephite women and men associated with the Congregations and includes Sisters, affiliates, Boards, staff, companions and those involved in Josephite ministries. ​​​​​​​The Action Plan was reviewed and refreshed in May 2024 with updated goals and actions.

After a year-long effort involving hundreds of stories, videos, Eco-Heroes, tips and inspiration, Sr Mary-Ann Casanova gives an update on the Soft Plastics campaign in this video.