Mary MacKillop, Australia’s first canonised saint, serves as a profound inspiration for Josephite Companions. Born in Melbourne of Scottish parents in 1842, Mary dedicated her life to education, social justice, and faith. She co-founded the Sisters of Saint Joseph of the Sacred Heart, known as the Josephites, whose mission is to live and work in partnership with those who share the charism of friendship, prayer, and service. Her life’s work continues to inspire many people today. Josephite Companions, lay people connected to the Josephite Sisters, see Mary’s life and efforts as a guiding light for living out these principles.

Mary’s deep bond with her sister, Annie, is a beautiful example of friendship and support. Their relationship highlights the importance of friendship in the Josephite charism. Annie’s unwavering support and dedication to Mary’s vision show how powerful companionship can be in achieving great things. Josephite Companions today can look to this sisterly bond as a model for fostering strong, supportive relationships in their own lives and communities.

Prayer was a cornerstone of Mary’s life and work. Her deep faith and trust in God provided the foundation for all she did. Despite facing numerous challenges, including being excommunicated by a bishop (a decision that was later reversed), Mary’s faith never wavered. She often said, “Never see a need without doing something about it”, reflecting her belief in action-oriented faith. This steadfast trust in divine providence, even in adversity, serves as a guiding principle for Josephite Companions. They are encouraged to embody this same trust, recognising that their efforts, supported by prayer, can bring about significant positive change.

Mary’s commitment to education and helping the less fortunate aligns with the Josephite charism of service. In 1866, she started the Josephites with Fr Julian Tenison Woods, aiming to provide free education to poor children, especially in rural areas where schools were rare. Mary wanted education to be available to everyone, regardless of their background. During her life, she helped set up over a hundred schools across Australia, showing her strong dedication to the disadvantaged. Josephite Companions continue this mission by engaging in educational and social justice projects, following Mary’s footsteps in serving those in need.

Mary’s way of leading and building community also sets a great example for Josephite Companions. She led with inclusivity and cooperation, believing in working together to reach common goals. She empowered others, especially women, to take leadership roles in their communities. This approach to leadership is important for Josephite Companions, who often take part in community service and outreach. By encouraging teamwork and mutual support, they can create more effective and lasting projects, staying true to Mary’s vision.

Moreover, Mary’s resilience and flexibility are qualities that Josephite Companions can learn from. Throughout her life, she showed incredible strength, overcoming many personal and professional hurdles. Her ability to adapt to the changing needs of the communities she served was key to her success. This resilience and adaptability are essential for Josephite Companions, who work in various and often challenging environments. By adopting these qualities, they can continue to serve effectively, even when facing difficulties.

In summary, Mary MacKillop’s life and legacy provide a rich source of inspiration for Josephite Companions. Her dedication to education and social justice, deep faith, inclusive leadership and remarkable resilience offer a clear model for living out the Josephite mission of friendship, prayer, and service. By following her example, Josephite Companions can continue to make a meaningful impact in their communities, carrying forward Mary MacKillop’s spirit in their everyday lives.

Helen Brown
Josephite Companions WA