Media Release: Appointment of New Board for Spirituality Ministry of the Sisters of Saint Joseph
The Sisters of Saint Joseph are pleased to announce the appointment of a new Board for its Spirituality Ministry, supporting a new ‘whole of ministry’ approach to the delivery of spirituality and heritage programs and activities across Australia.
The new Board is part of a transformative process to facilitate a responsive and agile positioning of programs and experiences to meet contemporary needs.
The Sisters of Saint Joseph Congregational Leadership Team, as Company Members, welcome Natalie Acton (Chair), Rob Kennaugh, Josie Vescio, Brianna Ragel and Andy Kuppe to the Spirituality Board. The breadth and depth of experience of this Board is matched by its deep commitment to respond to the growing need for faith formation and spiritual nourishment expressed in the community.
“I am delighted to be appointed as Chair of the Spirituality Ministry and look forward to working with my fellow Directors to lead the Spirituality Ministry in this next exciting phase,” says Natalie Acton.
“The Sisters have articulated a clear vision for this Ministry of which I am proud to be a part.”
The Congregational Leadership Team also expresses its gratitude and thanks to the outgoing Board who retired on 21 November 2023 – David Bergman (Chair), John Graham, John Day, Charmaine Belfanti and Michelle Koszarycz, noting that some Directors have served with the Spirituality Ministry since its very beginning.
Also noteworthy are the contributions of recently retired Directors Michael O’Neill and Sister Marion Gambin. The outgoing Board steered the company through times of great uncertainty, with additional challenges posed by the pandemic. The Congregational Leadership Team wish all former directors all the best for the future and hope that they continue their connection to the Josephite works.
Media Contact:
Louise Carson
Communications Manager
E: communications@sosj.org.au