Pope Francis said in 2019, our vocation “teaches us that our life is not a fluke but rather a gift: that of being God’s beloved children, gathered in the great family of the Church.”
National Vocations Awareness Week is a time for every Christian to ask these important questions:
Where is God calling me in my journey through life?
Who am I called to journey with?
In what spirit should I receive the gifts and challenges of life?
Sisters Rita Malavisi and Jo Brady each offer a personal reflection on their call and response.

To explore possibilities for being involved with the Sisters of Saint Joseph, please click the link below.
Ways of Commitment – Sisters of Saint Joseph of the Sacred Heart (sosj.org.au)
Journey with the Josephites
As we walk with those in need
wherever we are
in the spirit of the Gospel
and the charism of our founders.
For more information contact the Congregational Immersion and Discernment of Call Committee at cidc@sosj.org.au