The Sisters of Saint Joseph would like to thank you for your prayerful support for their 27th General Chapter.
New Congregational Leadership Team
The 27th General Chapter of the Sisters of Saint Joseph is continuing as the Sisters discern the future of the Congregation for the next six years.
The Chapter elected Sister Monica Cavanagh as the new Congregational Leader and Sisters Josephine Dubiel, Mary Ellen O’Donoghue, Clare Conaglen and Louise Reeves as General Councillors.
Celebration Eucharist
Bishop Vincent Long of the Parramatta Diocese presided at Eucharist at the Chapter celebrating the new Leadership Team. The Bishop said:
Bishop Long encouraged the Sisters to continue the tradition of women disciples in finding “fresh expressions of the Gospel spirit, guided by the wisdom accumulated and distilled by generations of faithful discipleship, lived at the margins.”
Thank You
The Chapter Sisters are receiving a wealth of messages of prayer, support and encouragement. They are wholehearted in their gratitude for all the support they are receiving during this significant Congregational event. The Chapter is the culmination of the year-long preparation of all Sisters across the Congregation.