Easter Reflections 2024

We share with you three reflections for Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday provided by Sr Michele Shipperley rsj.

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Recycling Soft Plastics in ANZ

Mt St Joseph Sisters in Whanganui Aotearoa New Zealand (ANZ) and staff have a long history of working to minimise waste – from large compost bins for all garden waste, to the well-established worm farm which recycles paper that comes from the office and house staff. Both have been in use since being set up in 2006. A recent visitor who sells vermicast (worm castings) was pleased to see the wormery still working well.

Whanganui City Council has its own re-cycling station. The Mt St Joseph maintenance staff member, Aroha, visits this re-cycling station each week with glass, plastics of most varieties, tins, newspaper, and cardboard.

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Saving the world one quilt at a time

Showing Off

Sr Helen, a Sister of Saint Joseph, shares her story.

It was in the 1970s during my time in Woomera I first became aware of the ‘throw away’ society we had become, the local tip was known locally as ‘K-mart’ and it was a regular habit for the locals to go ‘shopping’ there.

One day our neighbour presented me with a bike he made from parts from the tip, which I happily rode around on in those days. This was my first-hand experience of ‘recycling’ and my last experience of cycling!! (although as a child it was called ‘hand me downs’).

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Who wants to be a Martyr?

Each month, Pope Francis asks for our prayers for a specific intention. For the month of March, the prayer intention is for the martyrs of our day, witnesses to Christ: Let us pray that those who risk their lives for the Gospel in various parts of the world might imbue the Church with their courage and missionary drive.

The word ‘martyr’ brings to mind the early Christians martyred for the faith. In popular usage, it can also mean someone able to put up with a good deal in the pursuit of some cause.

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Josephite Justice Network Gathering: March 2024

The Josephite Justice Network (JJN) gathering for 2024 was held at Mary MacKillop Place in North Sydney from 8-10 March. Josephite Sisters, Companions, and organisational partners, as well as our young JJN team, were all present.

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Palm/Passion Sunday Reflection

Holy Week begins and ends with drama. When I think of Palm Sunday or Passion Sunday, three things stand out:

  1. The beginning of Holy Week
  2. The importance of processions in our life and the tradition of Walk for Justice for Refugees
  3. Having the courage to walk this journey with Jesus to his cross and passion.

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A Laudato Si’ Easter Reflection

Cross at St Joseph’s Spirituality and Education Centre in Kincumber South, NSW.

As followers of Jesus, we are asked to walk humbly on the Earth and to care for the land, the oceans, and all creatures. Pope Francis reminds us in his recent Apostolic Exhortation Laudate Deum that the time for climate change action is becoming more URGENT.

He has posed the question: “Are we working for a culture of life or a culture of death”?

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Earth Hour: A Date to Remember

Image by Sumitkumar Sahare.

Do you know why the last Saturday of March each year is significant? Why is it marked on many calendars around the world as a date to remember? Because it is World Earth Hour, a date when we are encouraged to switch off our electric lights, our electronics and conserve energy for an hour from 8:30pm to 9:30pm.

This simple, symbolic gesture shows our support and concern for planet Earth. This year the date is Saturday 23 March as the last Saturday in 2024 falls during the Easter celebration.

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