World Day of Prayer 2024

World Day of Prayer 2024 artwork by Halima Aziz.

The World Day of Prayer has a long history. It begun in New York in 1887 by Mary Ellen Fairchild James as a day of prayer for home missions. Two years later it became prayer for world missions. It travelled to Canada in 1922, then to the British Isles in the 1930s. From 1927, the prayer day was known as the ‘Women’s World Day of Prayer’. After the Vatican Council in 1967, Catholic women united their ‘May Day of Prayer’ with the March ‘Women’s World Day of Prayer’ which then became the ‘World Day of Prayer’.

The aim of the World Day of Prayer is to become aware of other countries and cultures, especially those living in isolation, to pray for those countries, and to encourage women to offer and use their talents to better society.

Different countries have been given the responsibility of organising the theme and the prayer service each year. For this year, Palestine has prepared the prayer based on the theme, “I beg you… bear with one another in love”. (Ephesians Ch 4: 4-5). One would have to say how much we need this in our present environment!

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Zero Discrimination Day 2024

Zero Discrimination Day is observed by the United Nations every year on 1 March. This day celebrates the right of every person to live fully and productively with dignity. As the official website states: “Zero Discrimination Day is helping to create a global movement of solidarity to end all forms of discrimination”.

With a spoon full of honestly, I’ll admit that when I was asked to write a reflection on this day, I did indeed have to look it up. But, with reflection, I’ve found that this day certainly holds significant resonance within myself and for our Catholic and Christian communities.

This resonance springs forth through the core gospel teachings of love, compassion, and justice. These teachings, rooted in Jesus’ messages, can now be lived through a Church mission to foster inclusivity, respect, and dignity for all individuals, irrespective of their background, race, gender, beliefs, sexuality, or socio-economic status.

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A Perthville Pilgrimage exploring Josephite Spirit and Mission

You’re invited to journey back in time and experience what life was like for the early Sisters of Saint Joseph as they began the first Josephite foundation in New South Wales at Perthville in the Bathurst Diocese (1872-1876).

Share the history, the spirituality, the daily lives of the Sisters as they taught and ministered at Perthville and the surrounding villages. Accompany the early Sisters as they welcomed Mary MacKillop and Julian Tenison Woods to their community in those early days. Through input, social interaction and personal reflection you will be inspired to nurture and share the Josephite spirit and mission in your own life.

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Baptism of Mary MacKillop

St. Francis Church and School [ca. 1875] by Liardet, W.F.E. / State Library Victoria.
In 1839, Rev P. Geoghegan arrived in the colony of Victoria as its first priest. In less than ten weeks, he had erected a wooden church where “friends used to meet Sunday after Sunday to exchange the news of the old world, or to help on some work in aid of faith or Fatherland.” [1]

Mary MacKillop’s parents, Flora McDonald and Alexander MacKillop, were married in 1839 and settled in Marino Cottage, Brunswick Street, Newtown, now called Fitzroy. The MacKillops, McDonalds and Camerons were among many Scottish pioneers of strong faith who worshipped at St Francis’ Church. It was to there as the centre of Catholic community life, that Flora and Alexander took their first child Mary to be baptised on 28 February 1842, as Maria Ellen, or Mary Helen.

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Honouring Dr Lowitja O’Donoghue

Photo of Dr Lowitja O’Donoghue by Bahudhara, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons.

Dr Lowitja O’Donoghue AC CBE DSG, 1 August 1932 – 4 February 2024

One of Australia’s most revered Aboriginal Leaders, Dr Lowitja O’Donoghue, died peacefully on 4 February 2024 aged 91. After her death, Noel Pearson described her as “the greatest Aboriginal leader of the modern era” and as “the rock who steadied us in the storm”.

Lowitja, a Yankunytjatjara woman, was born in 1932 at De Rose Hill Station, in the remote northwest corner of South Australia. Her mother was Lily Woodforde, Yankunytjatjara, and her father, Tom O’Donoghue, an Irishman. Lowitja was one of five siblings who were all removed from their mother. When she was two, Lowitja was taken from her mother and with another older sibling, was placed in Colebrook Home, where three older siblings were already living.

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World Day of Social Justice

Sr Jan Barnett and Josephite Justice Network members.

As we approach the World Day of Social Justice on 20 February, we are reminded of our communal duty to foster social development and equality for all.

Striving for justice is not a part-time vocation and should not be realised in solitude. As the Gospel so clearly indicates to us, our faith is tested in the way in which we serve and love our community. But how has such a simple message become misconstrued and lost along the way? Hopelessness.

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Ash Wednesday Reflection

Having recently returned from caring for my mother, I would like to spend some time reflecting.

As Christians we impose a cross of ashes on our foreheads as a sign of repentance. For me, this symbol is a time for introspection, self-examination and spiritual renewal.

Mum at 95 has dementia and she is confused all the time. Caring for my mum through the last four weeks took a lot of patience and agile creativity. I kept her busy with activities while she mentally bounced in and out of her past experiences and memories. We spoke about our lives, where she came from, her life as a little girl in school. Her travels and all the friends and relatives she encountered through the years. All this fraught with worry.

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Diamond Jubilee Reflection 2024

Diamond Jubilarians: 60 Years as Sisters of Saint Joseph

On Tuesday 9 January 2024, twenty Josephite women arrived at Mount Street, North Sydney where we were warmly welcomed, given space to rest and be with each other.

We travelled from Aotearoa New Zealand, Tasmania, Queensland, Victoria, Western Australia, South Australia and New South Wales to gather for this special occasion. We celebrated with story-telling, listening, walking, talking, a group outing, being still and being amazed at God’s goodness and love over the last 60 years.

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