Refugee Week 2024 – Finding Freedom: Family

Refugee Week 2024 resources.
To me, a home is where you feel loved, safe, and cherished.
Malala Yousafzai

Loved, safe, and cherished…

There is, was and continues to be a crisis in our community whereby people fleeing from danger are shown no mercy. Unloved, unsafe and uncherished, by a nation that prides itself on having ‘boundless plains to share’. Not as refugees, but as people, they have the right to equal care and support, yet when they arrive, they are mistreated and demoralised, due to the incompetence and downright indifference of the Government. Is this the home we’re willing to share? This inhospitable home?

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June Prayer Intention: Those fleeing own countries

In June, we pray with Pope Francis for migrants fleeing from war or hunger, forced to undertake journeys fraught with danger and violence; may they find welcome and new life opportunities in their host countries.

To host means to receive, but in order to receive, our hearts must be open. In his June prayer intention, Pope Francis challenges us to confront our repressed prejudices and biases about the ‘other’ who arrives at our doorstep. This resonates with the idea of the Eucharistic host, which similarly invites us to receive. But there too, a certain preparation is required; a humble and conscious choice to be receptive to the living Gospel. This animated word of God exists and thrives in the very interactions with the people we are called to serve. There we can find spiritual nourishment.

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Mass of the Land of the Holy Spirit

Photo courtesy of Australian Catholic Bishops Conference.

You will have heard that on 7 May 2024, the Australian Bishops approved the use of the Mass of the Land of the Holy Spirit (MLHS) – more usually known as the Missa Kimberley – for use in the Diocese of Broome (Western Australia).

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Julian’s Charism Continues Today

Julian Tenison Woods seldom looked away from nature’s realities. He appreciated and pursued unexplored fields which were opened to him during his short life span. No wonder so many Josephites have spread far and wide deeply connecting with the Whenua – ‘the womb which gives us life’.

Sr Makareta and I travelled to the far north of ‘Te Ika a Maui’ (The Fish of Maui) and visited Hokianga Harbour to explore the arrowpoint of Aotearoa’s (New Zealand) human story.

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Families hit hard by the cost-of-living crisis

Will you help families like Kerry's experiencing financial hardship and distress get the support they need?
Will you help families like Kerry’s experiencing financial hardship and distress get the support they need?

Currently, more than 50% of Australia’s population is experiencing mental distress directly linked to the cost-of-living crisis that is gripping the nation.[1] Sadly, this type of situation is becoming a reality for too many people as bills like food, electricity, housing and rent skyrocket.

It’s heartbreaking, as more people who never needed support before are finding themselves in a desperate situation.

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Feast of the Sacred Heart 2024

Greetings for the Feast of the Sacred Heart 2024 

The Feast of the Sacred Heart (7 June) marks a special day in the life of the Sisters of Saint Joseph. When seeking approval for the Institute from Rome, the Sacred Heart was part of the official title bestowed upon the new Institute.  

For us as Josephites, the symbol of the Sacred Heart, speaks of God’s great love for each one. It tells us that our God is a God who is full of compassion, tenderness, and mercy whose love is boundless. The Sisters’ Constitutions reminds us ‘that God’s compassionate love, symbolised by the Sacred Heart’ and calls us to be the compassionate face, hands and feet in our world today. 

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Webinar: ‘Voices of Hope and Faith’ featuring Sr Mary-Ann Casanova PhD

The Laudato Si’ Action Platform recently hosted a webinar titled ”Voices of Hope and Faith: Global Catholic Religious in the Heart of Climate Action” during Laudato Si’ Week where attendees learned how they are bridging faith and daily action, and gained inspiring insights for the journey toward integral ecology.

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Feast of the Visitation

Visitation painting by Therese Quinn rsj.

In recent years on the feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, I would send my sister a message saying, “Happy Feast Day!” We call it “our feast day” as our names are Mary and Elizabeth.

The feast of the Visitation celebrated on 31 May annually, commemorates the moment when Mary visits her cousin Elizabeth.

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