Ash Wednesday Reflection

Hunter Valley bushfire 2017.

Eight years ago, I was caught in a bushfire in the Hunter Valley in New South Wales. The fire began at the conference centre where we were staying. We prepared to evacuate, but authorities told us it was too late. Next followed an anxious wait of more than 60 minutes, all the while watching the black smoke that grew larger as it came closer. Eventually firefighters began watering our place of refuge. After what felt like an interminable vigil, the authorities decided it was safe for us to leave the property, and we drove quickly away from the still smouldering embers.

For those of us who live in southern Australia, this can be a common story. Summer means preparing for bushfires. The Church celebrates Ash Wednesday, the beginning of the Lenten season towards the end of this anxious time.

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Jubilee 2025: Year of Prayer, Full of Hope

St Mary MacKillop’s tomb in the Mary MacKillop Memorial Chapel, North Sydney.
Hope never disappoints.
(Romans 5:5)

On Christmas Eve 2024, Pope Francis opened the Holy Door at St Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican marking the beginning of the Jubilee Year. The theme for 2025 is Pilgrims of Hope for a world suffering.

The Jubilee invites us all to embark on a journey of faith and transformation. A special year of prayer, full of HOPE. Hope that the people of the world will have a listening ear to the Holy Spirit. Hope that we will love each other as God loves us.

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Jubilee 2025: Artists and the World of Culture

Image by Tabitha Turner.
HOPE does not disappoint us because
God’s love has been
Poured into our hearts
Through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.
(Romans 5:5)

From 15-18 February, as part of the Jubilee year celebration, we were invited to celebrate Artists, those who nurture them and see the beauty of our world’s different cultures.

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Jubilee 2025: World of Communications

Pilgrimage to St Peter’s Basilica entering through Holy Door.
I dream of a communication that does not peddle illusions or fears, but is able to give reasons for hope.
Pope Francis, 59th World Day of Social Communications message

Over three days, I had the wonderful opportunity to attend a gathering in Rome, Italy for Young Professional Communicators who are involved in the Catholic Church. This was to celebrate the Jubilee of the World of Communications (24-26 January 2025).

The gathering included over 120 communicators aged 18-35 from around 70 countries with the theme Pilgrims of Hope: Uniting Communicators for a Shared Journey.

Let’s Call a Spade a Spade

Cover of the Australian Bishops’ Social Justice Statement.

Truth serves peace – World Day of Social Justice (20 February)

The current Social Justice Statement issued by the Australian Catholic Bishops’ Conference is entitled Truth and Peace: A Gospel Word in a Violent World It is a fine addition to the grand array of social justice statements that the bishops have issued in this country since 1940. It is indeed encouraging that the annual Social Justice Statement is the only Statement given to the nation by the bishops on a regular yearly basis. 

The issues dealt with in the Statement are many and varied, and they are all relevant to the state of the world at present. At 16 pages in large print with illustrations, the document is not beyond any of us to read. It is a fine basis for prayer and reflection over months. The issues it deals with, while not exhaustive, are deeply concerning to anyone claiming allegiance to Jesus Christ. 

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8 February – Prayer and Awareness Against Human Trafficking

On the feast day of St Josephine Bakhita (8 February), the patron saint of victims of modern slavery and human trafficking, is the International Day of Prayer and Awareness Against Human Trafficking.

This day was designated by Pope Francis in 2015 “following a request from Talitha Kum, the worldwide Network of Consecrated Life Against Human Trafficking.” (ACRATH) You can learn more about Talitha Kum (which includes 762 religious congregations in 97 countries) here.

ACRATH (Australian Catholic Religious Against Trafficking in Humans) shares more information about this day and St Josephine Bakhita here.

ACRATH representative, Annette Arnold rsj, shares resources below and ways to join in this Day of Prayer and Awareness.

Day of Prayer and Awareness Resources

The Treaty of Waitangi – A sacred covenant

The Whanganui group photographed at Otaki on our way home: Ricky Kingi, Noelene Landrigan rsj, Maureen Haua, Liz Hickey rsj, Makareta Tawaroa rsj, Marilyn and Gary Kairimu.

The Treaty of Waitangi is a ‘living document’, the basis for an ‘agreed understanding’ between Aotearoa New Zealand’s chiefs of hapū and iwi, and the Crown. It was intended to provide direction for future growth and development. An official day of holiday and celebration is observed annually on 6 February.

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Waitangi Day: The Treaty Is a Partnership

Protest against the Treaty Principles Bill in city centre Ōtepoti Dunedin.

Each year on 6 February in Aotearoa New Zealand, we celebrate Waitangi Day commemorating the signing of Te Tiriti o Waitangi in 1840 between Māori rangatira (chiefs) and the Crown.

Admittedly, New Zealand has a history of ignoring Te Tiriti, but in the last 50 years particularly our governments and many institutions have worked with Māori to redress the injustices of the past — the injustices of colonisation. But last year, the Treaty was threatened by a minor political party in our coalition government. Without any discussion with Māori iwi (tribes), the party brought a Bill to parliament which will negate the Te Tiriti and enshrine ‘the Crown’ as the only reference for government decisions. We need to stop it.

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