World Day of Migrants and Refugees 2023

Poster by Integral Human Development.

On Sunday 24 September 2023, we celebrated the Vatican’s 109th World Day of Migrants and Refugees. In his message, Pope Francis has expressed that freedom must determine the decision to leave one’s native land.

Free to leave, free to stay.

World Day of Migrants and Refugees is a day to reflect and honour the resilience and courage of the now 100 million men, women and children who have been forcibly displaced from their homes.

As a Josephite Action Group (JAG) volunteer, I have had the privilege to listen to the testimonies of the unimaginable experiences of those who have come to seek refuge in Australia. Among these disturbing stories of rape, terrorisation, torture, and loss, it is difficult to ignore the common theme of hope that they all seem to have.

Many migrants and refugees have narrowly escaped unimaginable circumstances, some have come just short of death, and yet they have emerged alive and continue to remain hopeful. Being witness to these testimonies has allowed me to see that it is indeed possible to overcome extreme adversity and continue living even when everything has fallen apart.

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A Paradigm of Dynamism

Carrollanne O’Brien – Eco-Hero Profile

Meet our Eco-Hero of the month – Carrollanne O’Brien who works as an Executive Assistant to the Congregational Leadership Team for the Sisters of Saint Joseph in North Sydney.

Carrollanne’s passion for environmental advocacy impacts both her professional and personal life. Working for the Sisters, she is encouraged and supported to seek out environmentally friendly office supplies, catering, and hospitality goods.

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A Josephite Welcome in Williamstown

St Joseph’s by the Sea in Williamstown, Victoria, is a Sisters of Saint Joseph Spirituality Centre – a gathering place for all who seek to nurture contemplation, explore and celebrate the wonders of the Universe and Earth, nourish body, mind and spirit, develop just and respectful relationships and live into new ways of being.

There is a real sense of excitement around the place… a feeling a sense of renewal and buzz. We welcome you to join us for Eco-Spirituality Week from 13 – 19 November, ending with a Day in the Garden. An event filled with blissful bites, fascinating concepts on sustainability, cosmology, wellness, reflexology and beauty.

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Saint Mary MacKillop Prayer

Statue by artist Louis Laumen located outside of St Patrick’s Cathedral, Melbourne.

We invite you to pray with St Mary MacKillop – a prayer written by our Irish Sisters of Saint Joseph…

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Feast of the Triumph of the Cross

Photo by David Banning.

For the feast of the Triumph of the Cross celebrated on 14 September, Sr Katrina Brill shares a Personal Reflection.

Most days in cosmopolitan Auckland, I would see in my daily outings the symbol of the cross – hanging from a car mirror, around a girl’s neck, as a marker for death on a road, occasionally on a t-shirt, in churches, in cemeteries and of course in the emblem around my neck. What does the cross mean to people today? I am not sure I know!

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Mary MacKillop Today Community Grants Program 2024

Community Grant grantee 2019 – Baabayn Aboriginal Corporation.

Applications for the Mary MacKillop Today Community Grants Program 2024 are now open until 5pm on Friday 22 September 2023 (AEST).

Eligible organisations may apply for grants of up to $10,000 AUD to deliver small, life-changing projects that promote life-long learning for Australians at the margins.

We believe that through participating in these projects, individuals enhance their skills and gain knowledge to actively engage with the broader community and take advantage of life opportunities.

The Community Grants Program began as a response to on-the-ground work done by the Sisters of Saint Joseph with vulnerable communities.

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National Child Protection Week 2023

Australia observes National Child Protection Week each September as part of a nationwide initiative to protect children from abuse and neglect. National Child Protection Week seeks to engage and empower all Australians to understand they have a part to play in keeping our children and young people safe.

The National Association for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (NAPCAN) aims to raise the Australian community’s awareness of child abuse and neglect and to have a greater understanding and awareness of the complexity of such. No longer is it accepted to be ignorant of the issues, rather, we all must collectively take responsibility for how we can help ensure children are safe and protected.

In 2023, the message that ‘Every child in every community needs a fair go’ will be complemented with the theme Where we start matters’.

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Season of Creation 2023: We Can Do Something

Theme for the Season of Creation 2023.
Let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream.
Amos 5:24

This text states a truth that is as appropriate today as it was in ancient times: justice precedes peace. Without justice, there can be no peace. However, the image of the never-failing stream does not ring true in our century.

Streams and rivers struggle to flow as often their course is blocked by waste from our throwaway society or is completely dried up because of extreme heat, drought and deforestation. Instead of being waters bringing life, their reduced flow leaves communities struggling for survival.

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