Birth of John the Baptist

Image of John the Baptist baptising Jesus by PxHere.

We commemorate the Birth of John the Baptist on 24 June.

Only Luke tells about John the Baptist’s birth. In the other Gospels, Matthew, Mark and John, John the Baptist is already an adult when he comes into the story. He appears as a man of God, a prophet trusted by the people to whom he preaches and baptises. In each of those Gospels, John, who already has a reputation and many followers, points Jesus out to his followers as the Messiah, the one to listen to and he encourages them to follow him.

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Sisters Launch Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan

Sr Monica Cavanagh (far left) with members of the Sisters of Saint Joseph Reconciliation Action Plan Working Group and artist Richard Campbell.
Redfern Jarjum College student dancers and teacher Andrea Adidi.

The Sisters of Saint Joseph of the Sacred Heart are proud to announce the launch of their Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) 2023 – 2025. The launch of the RAP took place on 16 June 2023 at Mary MacKillop Place in North Sydney and coincided with the Feast of the Sacred Heart. Attending the launch included representatives from Reconciliation Australia, special guests, Sisters, staff, student dancers from Redfern Jarjum College and supporters of the Sisters of Saint Joseph.

Although the Sisters of Saint Joseph have a long history of being in relationship with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, the Congregation is now seeking to formalise its ongoing commitment to reconciliation.

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Crises Facing Refugees in Australia

Josephites with Bishop Vincent Long at the 2023 Palm Sunday Rally and March.

Refugee Week in 2023 will take place from Sunday 18 June – Saturday 24 June, with the theme being ‘Finding Freedom’.

Josephites are really grateful for the initiatives being taken by the Federal Government to promote permanent protection for those in temporary protection. We continue to work, however, for those on bridging visas who are not included in this decision, and persist in advocating for them, and for a fair deal for all those seeking welcome and permanent protection in this country.

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Refugee Week 2023: Finding Freedom

Image by Refugee Week.

Refugee Week in 2023 will take place from Sunday 18 June – Saturday 24 June, with the theme being ‘Finding Freedom‘.

Across the ages, freedom has held a place of importance in our society. It’s a multifaceted concept, but here, we delve into the deep connection between freedom and psychological health, focusing on liberation from psychological distress.

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For a world that needs love: Mary MacKillop and the Sacred Heart

Mary MacKillop sculpture by Judith Rolevink located at Mary MacKillop Penola Centre, South Australia.

In a world where relationships so often fail, Mary MacKillop’s understanding that her consecration in Religious Life bound her to Christ as closely as marriage does can inspire. She used to call herself ‘Christ’s spouse’, and so wrote that, as such, she should “be equally interested in all that is dear to his Heart”. [1]

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Feast of the Sacred Heart 2023

Image by Cyrilla Almeida.

The Feast of the Sacred Heart (16 June) invites us into a deepening awareness that all of life is held in the loving embrace of God. This spirituality of the heart calls us to honour that Christ dwells in our hearts through love and we in turn are to ‘clothe ourselves in love’ (Colossians 3:12) so that we may radiate this love to others.

Throughout Jesus’ life, the gospels show us that he acted from his heart, that place of union with God.  He confronted injustice, shared meals with those who were considered outcasts and allowed himself to be moved with compassion as he encountered the sick, lonely, heartbroken and wounded.

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Corpus Christi: Here in Hiding

Image supplied.

Many years ago, the poet Gerard Manley Hopkins translated the Latin hymn Adore te devote into English. His first verse began:

Godhead here in hiding
Whom I do adore
Masked by these bare shadows
Shape and nothing more.Gerard Manley Hopkins, Adore te devote

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In the Footsteps of Mary MacKillop – Bookings for Pilgrimage Now Open

Sr Annie Bond with statue of Mary MacKillop outside the Mary MacKillop Memorial Chapel, North Sydney.

Bookings are now open for pilgrims to participate in the popular Australian National Pilgrimage: In the Footsteps of Mary MacKillop run by Mary MacKillop Place and the Sisters of Saint Joseph of the Sacred Heart.

The next pilgrimage will be running from 17 – 28 October 2023 and will visit many places associated with Mary MacKillop’s life and ministry in Victoria, South Australia and New South Wales.

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