140th Anniversary of the Arrival of the Josephites in Temuka, ANZ

Temuka, South Canterbury taken on Mother Mary MacKillop’s first visit to Aotearoa New Zealand (1895).
I felt like the poor man who was made Lord Mayor of Dublin. I could only wonder was it myself who was there.
Sr Calasanctius to Mary MacKillop on her arrival in Temuka, 1883

On 1 November we will be remembering 140 years since Mary MacKillop sent three Sisters to Temuka to set up the first foundation of the Sisters of Saint Joseph of the Sacred Heart in Aotearoa New Zealand (ANZ).

We acknowledge that three years earlier, another Josephite Congregation had travelled from Perthville, NSW to Whanganui (ANZ). At that stage we were two separate congregations, however thankfully in 2013, the congregations fused.

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Music in Timor-Leste: A Special Student

António Soares.

The huge amount of work in justice and charity organised for our northern neighbour, Timor-Leste, by Sisters Josephine Mitchell and Susan Connelly is well known. Less known are the individual cases of people they helped.

In response to Bishop Belo’s request for assistance in literacy and health needs, Sr Josephine established the Mary MacKillop Institute of East Timorese Studies (MMIETS). Sr Susan, a competent musician and author, was Sr Josephine’s ready first assistant.

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Santusa is breaking the cycle of poverty!

On 17 October we observe the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, a day which presents us all with the opportunity to acknowledge the struggles and marginalisation that many people here in Australia and around the world experience.

The theme for 2022-2023 observance is Dignity for all in practice, a core underlying value that’s intrinsic across all of Mary MacKillop Today’s vital work, including our Vocational Training for Women and Young People in Rural Communities’ project in Peru. We know the cycle of poverty can be broken when people access learning and training to build their skills for better employment opportunities or to create a small business. This not only increases their income, but also improves the living conditions in their home and community.

Our project works alongside our local partners CCAIJO and the Quispicanchi Centre for Technical Productive Education (CETPRO) to provide people with accredited vocational training courses based on the needs of their community. The project trains teachers, equips classrooms with resources, and allows young people to join courses at a subsidised rate. Students also develop practical life skills and gain experience with the local business sector — to overcome marginalisation and be contributing members of their communities.

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Sustainability Squad Takes Action

Students from Mount St Joseph Catholic College Milperra share their sustainability initiatives and plastics project – a great example of T – TAKING ACTION!

“As a school we were looking at different sustainability practices and how we could incorporate this into our school community,” says Angelina, a student and member of the STEAM Club and Sustainability Squad.

“We are Taking Action by collecting plastics from the school community and turning them into new products.”

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Taking Action

Sister Mary-Ann Casanova PhD  – Eco-Hero Profile

Teacher, author, photographer, ecologist, student, farmer, and a Sister of Saint Joseph for almost 40 years… these are just some of the professions held by Sr Mary-Ann Casanova PhD.

Growing up in rural South Australia, Sr Mary-Ann spent her younger days cultivating in the solitude of a sheep station surrounded by iconic Australian flora and fauna. This was her first call to environmental advocacy.

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Victorian Seniors Festival at Mary MacKillop Heritage Centre

Mary MacKillop Heritage Centre, East Melbourne.

Be inspired on a visit to the Mary MacKillop Heritage Centre located in East Melbourne, where you can learn about Australia’s first and only canonised saint!

The Mary MacKillop Heritage Centre will be having an open day as part of the Victoria Seniors Festival 2023. The open day is on Saturday 28 October from 10:00am to 4:00pm.

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The Sisters of Saint Joseph to hold Referendum Vigil

Inside the Mary MacKillop Memorial Chapel at Mary MacKillop Place, North Sydney.

The Sisters of Saint Joseph invite all to join them in a Night of Prayer for a positive outcome to the Voice to Parliament Referendum.

“We will grow as a Congregation and heal as a Nation as we listen with courage and empathy, to take significant steps to provide opportunities for greater recognition, reconciliation and equality,” says Sr Monica Cavanagh, Congregational Leader, Sisters of Saint Joseph.

All are invited to join the Sisters in prayer. The Night of Prayer will take place from 6:00pm Friday 13 October to 6:00am Saturday 14 October – participants can attend at any time over this period.

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Father Julian: Man of Many Virtues

Julian Tenison Woods and Mary MacKillop mural located at Mary MacKillop Memorial School, Penola SA.

“Jesus wept!” This simple verse speaks volumes of the inner life of Christ. The effects on those around were not lost – “See how he loved [Lazarus],” they said (John 11:35). Soon after the death of Father Julian Tenison Woods on 7 October 1889, Mary MacKillop, on behalf of Mother Bernard, Mother General, wrote to the sisters, referring to ‘the gentle spirit of our Father Founder’:

… try to honour his memory by imitating his virtues. Mary MacKillop, Letter to the Sisters, 28.10.1889

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