Father Julian Tenison Woods Reflection

A reflection in the key of F on Fr Julian Tenison Woods  [1832-1889]: Saint Mary MacKillop’s “Father Founder”

“Fairly faithfully and fallibly following a fairly famous and fallible Founder”.

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Mary MacKillop With Us

Statue by sculptor Judith Rolevink, located outside the Mary MacKillop Memorial Chapel at Mary MacKillop Place, North Sydney NSW.

We invite you to view a poem on Mary MacKillop by Covenant Josephite, Rosa Davila.

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Remembering Previous Military Service on ANZAC Day

Sr Julie O’Sullivan in her military uniform.

On ANZAC Day (25 April) we remember those who have served in the defence forces of Australia and New Zealand. Two Western Australian based Sisters of Saint Joseph, Sisters Julie O’Sullivan and Carla Curran, served in the military prior to making their commitment to religious life.

During World War II, Sr Julie served in the Australian Army as a member of the 52nd Wireless Section. This group, based in the Perth suburb of Cannington, intercepted Japanese signals, recording the messages and forwarding them to a central bureau for deciphering. This top secret work required the staff to sign an oath that they would not reveal anything about their work for 30 years.

Sr Julie (1921 – 2011) and her six siblings were raised in Manjimup, in the forests of south-west Western Australia, where they were taught by the Sisters of Saint Joseph. Four of Sr Julie’s brothers enlisted as part of the war effort and this inspired Julie to also contribute. In January 1947, a year after her discharge from military service, Julie entered to become a Sister of Saint Joseph.

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Cosmic Awareness (International Earth Day)

Photo by Pixabay.

The Eco-Spirituality Team of the Sisters of Saint Joseph offer you this reflection page as you journey towards International Earth Day on 22 April and beyond, while you Nurture Evolutionary Consciousness.

International Earth Day or otherwise known as International Mother Earth Day, was designated by the United National General Assembly through a resolution adopted in 2009. The original roots go back to the 1970s when environmental protection was not yet a priority of the national political agendas. (United Nations)

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Walking with Jesus to Calvary

On the last day of term at Mount St. Joseph Girls’ College (Altona, Victoria), the entire College community stopped to retrace the final days of Jesus’ life which we refer to as the Stations of the Cross or the Way of the Cross.

As we encountered each station, we creatively contemplated the situation before moving on to the next station. This way the liturgy became a shared devotional act; we walked with Jesus as he walked to Calvary. It was an extremely reflective and moving event incorporating rich prayer, music, drama, imagery, and multimedia.

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Easter Message 2023

Let us rejoice in the gift of Easter and the blessing of hope it brings. This message of hope is especially important in our world today impacted by war and natural disasters. We see so many refugees risking the journey in search of a new life free from poverty, oppressive governments, climate change and countries where war and violence reign terror in people’s lives.

There are many people waiting at the tomb for signs of new life, sometimes trapped in an overcrowded boat seeking asylum or waiting at the border hoping for the possibility of a new life in a country as visas are processed. Others are weighed down by pain and suffering or hoping that the weapons of war will stop destroying their lives. Even amid this, we see signs of hope emerging – someone choosing to play a piano in a crowded train station, someone welcoming a fleeing family into their home, brave people working to find signs of life in the rubble of an earthquake, someone advocating on behalf of refugees or those volunteering to work in a soup kitchen.

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Easter Reflections 2023

We share with you four reflections for Palm (Passion) Sunday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday provided by Sr Michele Shipperley rsj.

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Illness – a Painful Process of Defoliation

World Health Day 2023 by World Health Organization.

What amazing, spectacular creations our bodies are! Out of all the wondrous things that our Creator God brought into being, surely how we are structured is the most magnificent. We are made up of many living cells, neurons, chromosomes, hormones and DNA that all work together and enable us to exist, function and change over the life span. As if this is not impressive enough, we are also able to think, choose, create and experience emotion.

But what if this function goes wrong and our bodies don’t perform as they should? We have all suffered the effects of not feeling well or not feeling ourselves. At these times, we tend to wrestle with the condition that has laid us low and reach for the ambition of soon getting back to normal again so that we can carry on with our lives as we did before.

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