The Archer Letters – Letter Sixteen

In his letter of 6.1.76, Fr Julian says he is enclosing a cryptogamic puzzle. Obviously he forgot to do this because the purpose of his letter of 22.1.76 is now to send the Fungus! The two letters allude to his involvement with the Tasmanian Royal Society whose monthly meetings both stimulated his scientific work and gave him a forum for sharing his reading and research.

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The Archer Letters – Letter Fifteen

Fr Julian is in the Huon district, south of Hobart, where he is giving a most successful mission. He mentions receiving 18 people into the Church and the footnotes give evidence of the esteem in which he was obviously held as an orator. The timber on which he recorded the number of communions and confirmations has been removed from the Geeveston church and is now on display in the Julian Room of the Josephite Mission and History Centre at New Town, Hobart.

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The Archer Letters – Letter Fourteen

In his letter to William Archer on 12 October 1875, Fr Julian writes from Hobart where he seems to be busy about many things.

It seems Fr Julian had delayed answering William Archer’s last letter and had received, with both surprise and pleasure, a second one “tumbling in on the heels of the first”. As usual, there are requests to be attended to and views to share, particularly about plant life.

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The Archer Letters – Letter Thirteen

In a letter written from South Brisbane on 4.12.1873, we see for the first time Fr Julian Tenison Woods using the †JMJ sign at the beginning of his letters.

We also learn a little more of the Archer family (both the high and low moments of their life) and of Fr Julian’s time in Northern Queensland. He describes being ill from ague, a malarial disease consisting of fever, chills and sweating.  Little wonder that he expressed the wish to spend summer in the cooler climate of Tasmania!

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The Archer Letters – Letter Twelve

View Letter 12 written from Penola on 24 November 1866:

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The Archer Letters – Letter Eleven

View Letter 11 written from Fitzroy Terrace in Melbourne on 1 September 1866:

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The Archer Letters – Letter Ten

View Letter 10 written from Penola on 8 May 1866:

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The Archer Letters – Letter Nine

View Letter 9 written from Penola on 3 April 1866:

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