In the Footsteps of Mary MacKillop 2022

Pilgrims at the Mary MacKillop Heritage Centre, East Melbourne, Victoria.
Pilgrims at the Mary MacKillop Heritage Centre, East Melbourne.
Pilgrims at St Joseph's Schoolhouse in Penola, South Australia.
Pilgrims at the Mary MacKillop Museum in Kensington, South Australia.
Fr Julian Tenison Woods' grave at Waverley Cemetery, New South Wales.
Tomb of St Mary MacKillop in North Sydney, New South Wales.

There is a quote on Mary MacKillop’s tomb which reads, “We are but travellers here”. Mary was very aware of life as a journey, made up of many smaller journeys, both actual and metaphorical.

The one great journey is that of moving toward the fullness of our relationship with God, which we call ‘heaven’. The Australian National Pilgrimage: In the Footsteps of Mary MacKillop is one of these smaller journeys.

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The Time Has Come

Photo by Nico Smit.

We mark the anniversary of the meeting of Pope John Paul II with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in Alice Springs, Northern Territory on 2 December. Sr Joan shares a reflection.

Thirty-six years have passed since Pope John Paul II stood in the swirling red dust on the outskirts of Alice Springs and spoke to a delighted group of Aboriginal women, men and children. He was wearing aboriginal colours. He affirmed their culture and spirituality. He knew their pain. The Pope told a parable of a tree ablaze in the bushfires, leaves scorched, bark seared and burned while inside the sap still flowed and the roots held strong. He told these people that the ‘genius and dignity’ of their race must never disappear. They understood.

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Listening to Biblical Light

Sr Jane Maisey with her Books of the Bible artwork.

In late 2021, a friend who’s a theology lecturer showed me a basic Bible books diagram that he’d put together for his students. Then he asked me, “have you thought about creating a book of the Bible artwork?” My first thought was “not really, I mean, I’m no biblical scholar, how in the heavens would I… ?”

Soon, providence struck, and other people asked me about Bible resources around that time. So, I prayed, and the project stayed in my heart. As time passed, my love of stained-glass windows and traditional etching also stayed in my heart, moving me to think…

Why don’t I create an artwork poster for the Catholic Bible in stained glass and etching?

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New Julian Tenison Woods Exhibition at MMHC

The Mary MacKillop Heritage Centre (MMHC) in Melbourne is proud to present a new exhibition on Fr Julian Tenison Woods. The temporary exhibition focuses on the 10 years Julian Tenison Woods lived and worked as a priest in Penola and the surrounding South Australian countryside, exploring Julian’s work as a missionary priest, his scientific endeavours and advocation of Catholic education for the poor. The exhibition also showcases highlights from the museum’s collection of Penola, Julian artefacts and activities for children to enjoy.

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Celebrating One Year of Laudato Si’ Plans

Laudato Si’ Action Platform Annual Report 2021-2022 cover image.

From Australia to Argentina, Zimbabwe to Canada, the United Kingdom to the United States, and everywhere in between—the world’s faithful joined together on 14 November 2022 to celebrate the one year anniversary of the Laudato Si’ Action Platform.

The Josephite Community has joined and is committed to the Laudato Si’ Action Platform and has a plan titled Explore-Embrace-Embody which you can view here.

The one year celebrations included an online webinar titled Working Together on the Journey Toward Integral Ecology with special guest speakers and moving testimonials from individuals and families across the globe. You’re invited to view the recorded webinar here.

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Celebrating the Diamond Jubilarians for 2021

Sisters of Saint Joseph who were to celebrate their Diamond Jubilee in 2021, were finally able to celebrate in 2022.

Our Diamond Jubilee Eucharist on 7 October, presided over by Bishop Vincent Long and concelebrated by guests of Sr Doreen Dagge, was the highlight of our Jubilee celebrations.

With our theme being ‘Thanksgiving’, present at this gathering were eleven of us, including two Victorians, with all of us participating in a very meaningful Liturgy.

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International Day for Tolerance 2022

Photo by Nathan Dumlao.

Earlier this month we heard news of the New South Wales (NSW) Australian of the Year Award being given to Craig Foster, former Socceroo and human rights activist, who has advocated for refugees and anti-racism. Recently, he helped the Afghan women’s national football team and other female athletes flee the Taliban and campaigned for the release of refugees.

In the same list of awards, Amar Singh, founder of Turbans 4 Australia, was named the NSW Local Hero for the voluntary work of Indian Sikhs who cheerfully delivered food to vulnerable Australians struggling in natural disasters of bushfires, floods and the Covid pandemic – all the while promoting multiculturalism and religious tolerance.

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A Birthday Memory of a Visionary

A young Julian Tenison Woods.

The significant connection between England and Australia was not fully recognised on 15 November 1832, the birth of Julian Tenison Woods.

Julian’s early life amidst frequent changes of residence, provided the space for developing and pursuing his lifetime interest in reading, discovering, and recording nature through sketching and sharing. The following years were dotted with varied and valuable experiences that contributed to his later years of priestly and pastoral service to the Catholic Church in Australia and civil society in Australia, Japan, Malaysia, Philippines and Java.

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