Josephite Mission and History Centre – An Oasis of Peace
September 23, 2022
This is the view frequently expressed by visitors to the Josephite Mission and History Centre in Hobart, Tasmania.
Here we acknowledge and celebrate the past to gain inspiration for the present and vitality for the future.
Many people speak of an atmosphere of serenity permeating the building and of feeling surrounded by peace. It has been suggested that this may well be the cumulative effect of the lives and prayers of the many Sisters of Saint Joseph for whom this was home for over a century.
Diamond Jubilee Celebration 2022

Sisters celebrating their Diamond Jubilees were delighted to come together as they entered the Chapel at Mary MacKillop Place for their Mass of Thanksgiving,
The marking of their Jubilees had, as had others, been postponed due to the pandemic. Finally on 15 September 2022, the Sisters were able to celebrate their commitment of 60 years as Sisters of Saint Joseph with fellow Sisters, family and friends.
Anniversary of Father Founder Julian Tenison Woods

This death anniversary (7 October) of Father Founder, Julian Tenison Woods, comes at a time of worldwide concern for our environment and all people, especially the most impoverished. ln this crisis we look to Father Woods, a natural scientist ahead of his time in recognising the interconnection of all creatures.
His scientific peers wrote after his death of his attainments, energy and thoroughness. They also invariably wrote of him, the man, and his way of relating to others.
Migrant and Refugee Sunday 2022
September 21, 2022
This year, we celebrate Migrant and Refugee Sunday on 25 September. The theme this year is Building the Future with Migrants and Refugees. As Josephites, this is a critical issue for us, and for our prayer and ministries.
As we know, Pope Francis has proclaimed Joseph as the patron saint of refugees, and in the Year of Joseph in 2021, we worked as Josephites with many migrant and refugee groups across Australia. This work involved reflecting on the plight of refugees, praying with them, and advocating with Government to improve their lives and ensure a welcome for them in our country.
Golden Jubilee Celebration 2022
September 19, 2022
The Sisters of Saint Joseph gathered on 3 September to honour 16 Golden Jubilarians at Mary MacKillop Memorial Chapel at North Sydney. The Sisters arrived from Timor-Leste, Peru, Halls Creek in the Kimberley, Perth, Adelaide, Penola, Melbourne, Launceston, Brisbane and Sydney.
The Sisters had made their first profession 50 years ago at Baulkham Hills, Sydney, Goulburn and Hobart. Following the fusion of the Federation Sisters with the Sisters of Saint Joseph of the Sacred Heart, the expanded group came together to renew their vows before a congregation of Sisters of Saint Joseph, family and friends including former Sisters.
September 8, 2022
We annually commemorate the International Day of Peace on 21 September. For this day, Sr Emilie shares a checklist by St Paul for people of peace, the peace of Christ.
In his letter, St James (4:12) asks the question: “Who are you to give a verdict on your neighbour?” James must have encountered people like us who are not yet sufficiently evolved in our humanity. We keep scorecards by which we ascertain whether this person or that person may join our club, so to speak. It is a scorecard of inclusions and exclusions, of divisions and conflict, of territories and invasions.
Triumph of the Cross

The feast of the Triumph of the Cross, also known as the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, is commemorated on 14 September. For this feast, Sr Caroline Dale shares a poem.
Making A Difference – A Reflection on St Mary MacKillop

In 1866, together with Father Julian Tenison Woods, Mary MacKillop founded the Sisters of Saint Joseph of the Sacred Heart and opened a school to provide free education for the children of Penola, South Australia. From this small beginning, Mary went on to establish Catholic schools and places of refuge for the working class and poor across Australia and New Zealand.
Mary wanted to serve Jesus in the poor. Whoever they were, whatever their needs, it was the poor who called her into service. Mary was moved by the lack of education, medical care and social services amongst the poor she saw around her. She worked tirelessly to make a difference, to uphold the dignity of the most marginalised, dejected and deprived.