A shave for a cure
April 28, 2022
The World’s Greatest Shave is an annual fundraiser for the Leukemia Foundation. The money raised goes towards vital research and to giving emotional and practical support to Australian families facing blood cancer.
This year is my fifth time participating in the World’s Greatest Shave and at this stage, I’ve raised $2660. Once again, I truly feel supported in my bid to help a little and highlight the wonderful work of the Leukaemia Foundation.
A pilgrim’s ‘light-bulb’ moment
April 27, 2022Recently, the staff and volunteers of Mary MacKillop Museum in Adelaide were delighted to welcome a busload of interstate pilgrims, one of whom, after spending quite some time in the museum, was hungry for ‘the more’.
Reflecting on illness and death
Life blooms and suddenly…
Monthly, weekly, and sometimes daily, we hear news of the death of yet another treasured, loved, Sister and friend. Sadness grips our hearts and minds. It feels as though our dreams and visions for the future are slipping away. Could it be that this Congregation, founded by Julian and Mary, is undergoing transformation? Is something new emerging?
2022 Easter Message from Sr Monica
April 8, 2022As Easter unfolds, we hear these words: Christ is risen, the light has dawned, and hope is born anew.
The Easter story invites us to travel with Jesus through the reality of death to new life. Like Jesus, Christians are called to surrender the pain and suffering of our world into the arms of our compassionate God. Our God walks with us as we respond to the misery, hardship, and pain of so many realities in the world today – the atrocities of war and violence, hunger and injustice, environmental destruction and the thousands of refugees walking their own journey to Calvary. Through the events of Holy Week, we experience intimacy and rejection, joy and sorrow, despair and hope, betrayal, and faithfulness.
Easter Reflections 2022
We share with you four reflections for Palm (Passion) Sunday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday.
The Hope and Faith of Mary MacKillop
The massacre of the innocent, the ravages of war and the displacement of people engender fear, desperation, and a sense of hopelessness. We also feel the pain of the flood victims left homeless and poverty stricken. Devastation and hardship call upon every ounce of faith and hope we have, to claim and look forward to a brighter future.
A Letter to Mary MacKillop

To commemorate the anniversary for when Mary MacKillop received Constitutions of the Institute (Sisters of Saint Joseph of the Sacred Heart) and when Central Government was accepted on 21 April 1874, Sr Maria Casey shares what she would have written to Mary if she was alive today.
Justice Now: The Peril and the Promise, Daring to Hope
April 6, 2022
Josephite Justice Network Gathering: 11-13 March 2022
At long last with Covid restrictions eased, we, the Josephite Justice Network, were able to meet face to face.
Seventeen of us gathered at St Joseph’s Spirituality and Education Centre, Kincumber, New South Wales and were aware of many others who were unable to join us.