World Day of Prayer 2022
February 23, 2022
Daily, I witness people from different religions, cultures and backgrounds who come to Mary MacKillop Memorial Chapel to pray for their loved ones, to intercede for their needs, healing and consolation, or just to seek some quiet time. I sometimes encounter people who come to me and say “I do not know how to pray. How many prayers should I say? How often should we pray?” These experiences prompt me to wonder again what “prayer” means. Where does it come from? When and how does it happen?
The Struggles and Gifts of Father Julian Tenison Woods

This is the instruction on the first page of the 2022 Josephite Calendar and was written by Fr Julian Tenison Woods, two years before his death. I wonder what struggles of which he had been thinking.
A Day in the Life of a Josephite Companion

Pauline McGuire lives in Townsville, Queensland where she works as secretary for the Mary MacKillop Parish. It was at the Parish that Pauline discovered a connection with the Josephite Charism and became a Josephite Companion in 2009.
As a Josephite Companion, Pauline helps coordinate the MacKillop Gate Prison Bag ministry and assists with the planning and prayer for the local Companion group. Pauline is chair of the Qld Josephite Companion Leadership Team and a member of JCoLT (The National Josephite Companion Leadership Team).
Pauline has two children, Liam and Ella, one daughter-in-law Sarah and a granddaughter, Josephine. Ella is the actual owner of dog Gerry – the dog which Pauline has custody of while Ella is working in the Northern Territory.
February Prayer Intention: Religious Sisters and Consecrated Women

Each month, Pope Francis asks for our prayers for a specific intention. For February, the prayer intention is for Religious Sisters and Consecrated Women.
Pope Francis reminds us we are on a Synodal journey with the universal Church in communion, participation and mission, and that we are to do our part. (Letter to all Consecrated Persons, 25 January 2022).
Nourishing the Spirit
February 8, 2022
The Sisters of Saint Joseph’s Living Contemplatively: Retreats, Sabbaticals, Programs and other opportunities for nourishing the spiritual brochure for 2022 is now available.
Mary MacKillop’s Experience with Illness

Recently I have heard our culture described as being ‘crippled with emotion and needing intensive care for hope’. There are many types of illness including, physical, emotional and psychological, pervading the environs that we mix in.
Rejoicing in the changes we see, but longing for more

National Apology to the Stolen Generations – 13 February
The shifts in attitude to our ‘National Day’ (26 January) were plain to see this year, as we watched the hugely diverse crowds in largely peaceful protest marches across the land (despite Covid) and listened to the reflections of Australians of all ages and nationalities. They reminded us yet again of what is truly of the essence of who we are and who we are called to be as a nation.
World Day of Prayer for the Sick Reflection

Have you ever been hospitalised because of illness or a need for surgery? Such an experience can be overwhelming. Suddenly you’ve lost all control of your identity, free movement, decision making, privacy and body. For most of us, this experience is temporary but for many people it becomes a permanent reality.