Sr Susan Pollard awarded Order of Australia Medal

Sr Susan Pollard of the Sisters of Saint Joseph awarded Order of Australia Medal in Australia Day Honours.

The Sisters of Saint Joseph are delighted to announce that Sr Susan Pollard rsj has been awarded a Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM) in the Australia Day Honours 2022 for service to the Catholic Church of Australia.

Based in Adelaide, Sr Susan worked in education as a primary school teacher, deputy principal and principal in schools across South Australia and New South Wales for many years. She has a Ph.D. in Psychoanalysis, a Masters in Education and Arts degree in Italian, and is also a registered Clinical Psychologist currently in private practice.

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Australia Day 2022

An aerial view of Kings Canyon located in the Northern Territory’s Watarrka National Park – home to the Luritja and Arrente peoples for more than 20,000 years. Photo by Philippe Wuyts.

Australia Day is a time for all Australians to reflect deeply on what it means to be Australian. It is a time to Reflect, Respect and Celebrate the best of what being it means to live in this unique land that many have come to call home.

As we ponder all that this day holds for us, we acknowledge and respect the First Peoples of our Country, our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. We know that this day holds pain for them in the realisation that it marks invasion day for them. It calls us to embrace in a deeper way the journey towards reconciliation and to support the initiatives enshrined in the Uluru Statement of the Heart.

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Birth of Mary MacKillop – 15 January 1842

Birth site of Mary MacKillop in Fitzroy, Melbourne.

In 1891, during a worldwide depression, the people of Melbourne city suffered greatly. Those who were rich lost their investments, those who were poor lost their work, the poorest were homeless and slept on the streets. The Archbishop of Melbourne had a heart for the poor and he talked to Mary MacKillop, the new Josephite in his diocese, about his worries.

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The Baptism of Jesus, A Story of Two Cousins

The baptism of Jesus, celebrated on 9 January, reminds us of two cousins; Jesus and John the Baptist and their mission, their relationship, their lives and their God consciousness revealed in their ministries.

The relationship touchingly begins with the meeting of their pregnant mothers, Mary and Elizabeth, who were delightfully surprised by their unborn babies, greeting each other (Lk 1:44). Thirty years later, the cousins meet at the River Jordan. John is preaching a baptism of repentance, ‘preparing the way of the Lord’ and points to Jesus as the Messiah. Jesus requests baptism of John, who only consents when Jesus says: ‘let it be so now, for it is proper for us in this way to fulfil all righteousness’ (Matt 3:19).

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World Day of Peace 2022

Pope Francis with a white dove, symbol of peace. (Vatican News)

On 1 January every year, our Church leader, the Pope, marks the World Day of Peace with a special message inviting all people to reflect on the important work of building peace.

This long tradition began with St. Paul VI in 1967 and continued with St. John Paul II, Pope Benedict XVI, and now with Pope Francis. I find it interesting that this day is not called a World Day of Prayer for Peace, important as prayer is. Rather, the Pope is calling us to more than prayer.

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Farewell to the Saint Mary MacKillop SuperCat

Sr Monica Cavanagh, Congregational Leader.

With over 20 years’ service under her helm, the St Mary MacKillop SuperCat ferry recently enjoyed a suitable send-off on Sydney Harbour.

Over 50 sisters and staff from the Sisters of Saint Joseph gathered to say a special farewell to the vessel which was named in honour of Australia’s first saint. Launching from McMahon’s Point and hosted by NSW Transport, the final cruise was an opportunity for everyone to enjoy one last ferry ride before her ‘retirement’.

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Christmas Message 2021

As we celebrate Christmas in 2021, the Sisters of Saint Joseph give thanks for the many gifts that have been shared during this special Year of Saint Joseph. We were delighted to receive a blessing and letter from Pope Francis acknowledging this special year.

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More Than Migrants

This year’s International Migrants Day on 18 December comes at a critical moment in the history of our country and world.

There is no doubt that COVID-19 has forced us, across all areas of our lives, to reconsider who we are and where we stand. It has surely been a momentous year for us, both as Australians and as Christians.

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