JJAMM 2021
March 3, 2021
JJAMM – Joseph, Julian and Mary MacKillop
Every year, around this time, I sit down to write an article to share with our Josephite community, informing you all of our JJAMM gathering. Every year I struggle for a new angle, because, quite honestly, every year is the same – inspirational, rewarding and such a valuable learning experience for our school leaders, their teachers and the facilitators. So, I thought this year, I would let the school leaders “write” the report you read.
JAG Weekend Gathering
February 22, 2021On the first weekend of February the Josephite Action Group (JAG) met on the Central Coast at the St Joseph’s Spirituality and Education Centre at Kincumber, New South Wales.
The goal of this weekend was to meet as a group to plan future events whilst also strengthening our leadership skills and teamwork.
The Twins
February 20, 2021World Day of Social Justice (20 February)
Four daughters of Goodness and Love sped through the night. Faith held the reins, guiding the horses with sure grip. Constancy and Patience were in the lead, ever responsive to her firm touch.
The coach gathered speed, for there was not a moment to lose. Faith and Peace glanced at their two other sisters with concern. Justice and Truth were ill, their faces strained and weary, their luminous skin seeming oddly flawed. Were those marks bruises? Had the latest battles been so intense? Murder, greed, theft, rape, torture, abuse of children, cruelty to asylum seekers, political manipulation of law, secrecy concealing government crimes, the cries of ravaged earth––these and so many other wounds weighed them down like anchors.
Justice whispered to her sisters that she feared for Truth. Identical twins, it was as though one could not live without the other. Peace sighed deeply, knowing how much she depended on them both. Faith urged the horses on. Courage turned his head slightly, just for a second, and Faith was sure she saw him wink. Kindness snorted and whinnied with big teeth, and the other horses were spurred on at the thought of his great heart and future carrots.
Lent – A Time for Engaging with Difference to Make a Difference
February 17, 2021Practise Deeper Listening to Bring About Change
Ash Wednesday occurs on 17 February to begin the season of Lent in 2021. The ritual will be a little different this year.
Due to the current global pandemic, the Vatican has advised there will be no marking of our foreheads with a cross of ashes. Instead, there will be a general call to the congregation to ‘Repent and believe in the Gospel’ or ‘Remember that you are dust and unto dust you shall return.’ Individually we will then be able to choose to remain standing in our places or to come forward for a sprinkling of ashes on our heads! [1]
There is New Light… We Need to Take a Path Not Chosen Before
February 13, 2021
Anniversary of National Apology to Stolen Generations (13 February)
As we remember the brave moment in 2008 when our Prime Minister apologised to the Stolen Generations, we can ask ourselves two questions. How can we stand in truth and continue to pronounce that Australia is not systemically racist? Are we brave enough to stand with and bear witness to the historical and ongoing trauma suffered by Australia’s First Nations People?
Reflection on Mary MacKillop
February 8, 2021
In his Apostolic Letter With a Father’s Heart (Patris Corde) Pope Francis has proclaimed this year as the Year of St Joseph.
In writing, Francis describes St Joseph “as a beloved father, a tender and loving father, an obedient father, an accepting father, a father who is creatively courageous, a working father, a father in the shadows.”
Mary MacKillop must be rejoicing and acclaiming Pope Francis from her Godly surroundings on such a profoundly wise and appropriate declaration of our patron St Joseph!
Julian Tenison Woods: A Life – Chapters 27th to 35th
February 7, 2021Chapters 27th to 35th
There was great joy among the Sisters in Brisbane when, on 5th January [1872] their dear Father Founder arrived; yet they were saddened by his worn and haggard appearance.….The following day, he began a retreat for the Sisters, which occupied five days….[1]
The Holy See commissioned two prelates to enquire into the controversies that had arisen [in Adelaide.…It now became necessary for Father Woods to return to Adelaide and he left Sydney on the 8th of June … after an absence of eleven months… [2]
Waitangi Day
February 6, 2021The Waitangi Day Act 1960 declared 6 February to be Waitangi Day
Waitangi Day is a national holiday of thanksgiving in commemoration of the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi. The Treaty is regarded by some Māori as ‘He Taonga Tapu’, a sacred covenant, a bond with spiritual connotations between peoples, involving obligations on both sides. The relationship between Māori and the Crown has been described by Sr Makareta Tawaroa rsj, Nga Paerangi, as similar to Lazarus and Dives. (Luke 16: 19-21)
Aotearoa has been occupied by Māori for a very long time and the ancestors worked out ways to integrate relationships with Papatuanuku, (Earth) and all peoples. By 1800, regular trading visits by Europeans led to the first tiny coastal settlements of whalers, sealers and traders, under the protection of local hapū [a number of whānau (extended families), the most significant political unit in Māori society]. By 1840, the Māori population had reached 80,000. The Settler population was about 2,000.