Mary goes to Ireland

To celebrate 150 years since Mary MacKillop embarked on her first overseas journey (March 1873 – December 1874), the Sisters of Saint Joseph share reflections and details from Mary’s travels to and from Europe – sourced from Mary’s letters and Congregational Archives. This is the final journey in the series.

Mary MacKillop went to Rome in 1873 to have the Rule approved – a task that took the best part of two years. Towards the end of those two years, Mary visited England, Scotland and Ireland hoping to find some women to come to Australia to join the fledgling Institute.

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Xavier Crimmins Appointed CEO of Spirituality Ministry

Xavier Crimmins, newly appointed Chief Executive Officer of the Sisters of Saint Joseph Spirituality Ministry.

The Board of the Spirituality Ministry of the Sisters of Saint Joseph is pleased to announce the appointment of Xavier Crimmins as its Chief Executive Officer.

Xavier, who commenced in the role on 8 April 2024, will use his extensive leadership experience and expertise within the community services sector to develop the next three-year strategy for the Spirituality Ministry.

“I am delighted and excited to lead the Spirituality Ministry into the next chapter of its journey,” says Xavier.

“The long history of the Sisters’ works will continue as we explore new ways to deliver their Mission within a fast-changing world. The bringing together of the Ministries from around Australia provides a great opportunity to grow and further develop the Sisters’ work to more people and communities in faith and hospitality. I look forward to working with the Spirituality Ministry team, Board, and Sisters of Saint Joseph to bring the refreshed vision to reality.”

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Planet vs. Plastics: Earth Day 2024

Planet vs. Plastics image by Earth Day.

In 2024, Earth Day (22 April) has a theme of Planet vs. Plastics. In our sports orientated cultures, the “vs.” denotes an impending contest, a winner and a loser, vocal enthusiastic one-sided supporters, spectator involvement and a set of agreed rules. This Planet vs. Plastics fixture breaks the mold somewhat. The contest is for the sake of human and planetary health. It will take longer than a Cricket Test Match with the Earth trophy being a 60% reduction in the production of ALL plastics by 2040.

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A new home for everything

Showing Off

What do you do with the contents of a home when it’s no longer needed?

This challenge was met head-on by Sisters of Saint Joseph support staff when they were asked to clear the contents of a property in preparation for its sale. The house had a plethora of of furniture, kitchenware, bedding, gardening tools, fridges and freezers etc etc! What to do with it all?

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Care for Earth in WA

Sr Maura and Sr Maree.

Sisters and neighbours, Sr Maura pbvm (Presentation Sisters) and Sr Maree rsj (Sisters of Saint Joseph), live in an Over 55s Village in Western Australia.

“Well before Laudato Si’ – my mother taught us to be frugal and waste free,” says Sr Maree.

“This would have been due to her own upbringing during the war and Depression times. My parents lived a simple life, with few trappings but still managed to be generous and sharing.”

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Mary MacKillop College Kensington opens new Tenison Centre

The new Tenison Centre named in honour of Father Julian Tenison Woods.

Mary MacKillop College is located in Kensington, South Australia, the suburb where St Mary MacKillop lived and worked for many years. The College is an incorporated work of the Sisters of Saint Joseph.

Mary MacKillop College proudly announces the completion of the Tenison Centre, an innovation hub designed to inspire curiosity, unleash creativity and evoke collaboration. The Tenison Centre is dedicated to Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Mathematics (STEAM) education for girls.

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Mary MacKillop received revised Constitutions in Rome – 150th Anniversary

Mary MacKillop 1869.

We commemorate the 150th anniversary of when Mary MacKillop received the revised Constitutions of the Institute (Sisters of Saint Joseph) in Rome on 21 April 1874.

In October 1867, Fr Julian Tenison Woods drafted the original Rules of the Institute of St Joseph, with the subtitle, for the Catholic Education of Poor Children. This was approved By Bishop L B Sheil, Bishop of Adelaide on 17 December 1868.

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Easter Message 2024

Let us rejoice and be glad for on this Easter day, we believe with all our hearts that Jesus is risen, is alive, and is active among us. The Risen Christ is present to us in the many encounters of every day as well as in the wonder and heartache present in so many realities in our world.

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