Families hit hard by the cost-of-living crisis

Currently, more than 50% of Australia’s population is experiencing mental distress directly linked to the cost-of-living crisis that is gripping the nation.[1] Sadly, this type of situation is becoming a reality for too many people as bills like food, electricity, housing and rent skyrocket. It’s heartbreaking, as more people who never needed support before are […]



On Sunday 26 May, we celebrate Trinity Sunday, otherwise known as the feast of the Holy Trinity. God, Lord and Architect of the whole world, was something more than loving towards mankind. God was long-suffering as well. So, God has always been, still is, and ever shall be out-pouring upon us the Infinite Design, great […]


Westbury Church turns 150

Friday 24 May 2024 marks 150 years since Holy Trinity Church, Westbury (Tasmania) was opened. It also marks 137 years since five Sisters of Saint Joseph were warmly welcomed into the village, having been invited by the parish priest to set up a Catholic school.


Laudato Si’ Week 2024: 19-26 May

This year marks the ninth anniversary of the publication of Pope Francis’ Laudato Si’ encyclical to every person living on this planet. Seeds of Hope is the chosen theme of the weeklong Laudato Si’ celebration. We are invited to be seeds of hope in our lives and our world, and to be rooted in the […]


At home among the poor

On 31 May 1867, Father Julian Tenison Woods sent to Mary MacKillop the first Rule of the Sisters of Saint Joseph. This became the founding document, encapsulating the vision for the order and providing the Sisters with important guidelines for their ministry. It had arrived! Here was the fruit of their discussions. Sister Mary MacKillop […]


Mary goes to Ireland

To celebrate 150 years since Mary MacKillop embarked on her first overseas journey (March 1873 – December 1874), the Sisters of Saint Joseph share reflections and details from Mary’s travels to and from Europe – sourced from Mary’s letters and Congregational Archives. This is the final journey in the series. Mary MacKillop went to Rome […]
