The Fragrance of Oneing

The Beloved is mine and I am the Beloved’s. In this silent retreat, we will awaken the senses of the heart, as we enter into the repose of communing silence. We will be inspired by the beauty of images of mystical union in the Song of Songs, mystical illuminations, and the writings of mystics such […]

Sister Hyacinth Quinlan: A Meritorious Life

Sister Hyacinth Quinlan died at New Town, Tasmania on 9 September 1933, and was laid to rest at Cornelian Bay Cemetery on the banks of the Derwent River. Hyacinth’s death was recorded in many newspapers throughout Australia, under the heading “A Meritorious Career.”[1] Newspaper articles noted that she was one of the last surviving links […]

Josephite Companions Day – A Champion Companion

A Josephite Companions Webinar held on 2 September 2023 saw Annie MacKillop, Saint Mary of the Cross MacKillop’s sister and constant companion, recognised as the ‘first’ or ‘original’ Josephite Companion. Guest Speaker, Sr Judith Mary Geddes, detailed the life and times of Annie who supported and walked the journey with Mary and the Sisters of […]

Season of Creation 2023: We Can Do Something

Let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream. Amos 5:24 This text states a truth that is as appropriate today as it was in ancient times: justice precedes peace. Without justice, there can be no peace. However, the image of the never-failing stream does not ring true in our century. Streams […]

The Wonders of Nature in Australia

Father Julian Tenison Woods experienced financial insecurity at first-hand. To supplement his meagre income he submitted articles, letters and essays to Australian newspapers. His topics were based on his travels and observations. The Wonders of Nature in Australia is a series of 10 such letters published in the Saturday editions of Sydney Mail and the […]

A Favourite Christian Feast – The Assumption of Mary, Mother of God

Do you have a favourite Christian feast? St Mary MacKillop claimed the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (or Mother of God) as hers.[1] This feast has its origins in Jerusalem before the end of the fourth century. The early Christians held Mary, the loving and courageous Jewish Mother of Jesus, as one of their […]

Connecting with Josephite Schools in the Bathurst Diocese

In celebration of the 150th anniversary of the Sisters of Saint Joseph in NSW, members of the Perthville Convent Heritage Committee have been visiting schools in the Bathurst Diocese founded by the Congregation. The primary schools were very interested in re-connecting with their Josephite charism. Sr Alice Sullivan and Sr Maureen Sanderson were the anchor in the […]

A Formation Framework

All Sisters of Saint Joseph Board Chairs and Directors are asked to participate in corporate induction, and initial and ongoing Formation. This is intrinsic to witnessing each person’s commitment to, and engagement in, Sisters of Saint Joseph Works. The Sisters of Saint Joseph will ensure that adequate Formation is provided to all those with governance […]

Our Story, Our Legacy

Our Congregation, the Sisters of Saint Joseph of the Sacred Heart, was founded in Penola, South Australia in 1866 by an Australian woman Mary Helen MacKillop and an English priest Julian Tenison Woods. From the beginning Mary and Julian encouraged Sisters to share the lives and the concerns of people with whom we minister with […]