Responding to a Call

The phone rang as I was locking up the house before going to Saturday night Mass. It was the bishop wanting to know if I would go to a country town, 400 kilometres away to train people in leading Liturgy of the Word with Communion. The parish had recently lost their priest, with no replacement […]

First Adelaide school opens in 1867

On 2 July 2022, the Sisters of Saint Joseph will celebrate 155 years since the opening of the first Josephite school in Adelaide, South Australia. “What,” they say, “can you expect from colonial girls, without any knowledge of a religious life, and no one to train them?”[1] Writing to Sister Mary MacKillop, Father Julian Tenison […]

Celebrating June Feast Days with Mary MacKillop

During the month of June, we have the opportunity as followers of Mary MacKillop, to recall and celebrate the great feast days of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (24 June) and St John the Baptist (25 June). Our Josephite constitutions expresses Mary’s hope that: God’s compassionate love, symbolised for Mary MacKillop by the Sacred Heart, […]

Sesquicentenary of the NSW Sisters of Saint Joseph 2022

This July, the Sisters of Saint Joseph will celebrate 150 years of the Congregation’s presence in NSW since their arrival in Perthville in 1872. The Congregation of the Sisters of Saint Joseph was founded by Mary MacKillop and Father Julian Tenison Woods in 1866 in Penola, South Australia. The first ministry of the Congregation was […]

Laudato Si’ Week 2022: Explore – Embrace – Embody

In Australia, 16-24 May 2022 has been set aside as Laudato Si’ Week by the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference. The week culminates on 24 May, the seventh anniversary of the publication of Pope Francis’ encyclical letter, Laudato Si’: On Care for Our Common Home. Josephites have a long tradition of environmental and social awareness grounded […]

Aussie Camino Experience

Jim Phelan recently completed the ‘Aussie Camino’ and shares his experience with us. The Aussie Camino is a pilgrimage walk inspired by the life and journeys of Sisters of Saint Joseph founders St Mary MacKillop and Fr Julian Tenison Woods. It is an opportunity for participants to embark on a contemplative journey, visit scenic places, […]

There will be no such thing

Sr Mary-Ann shares a reflection on her favourite quote from Julian Tenison Woods. Father Julian Tenison Woods’ writings are sprinkling with delightfully lyrical and sometimes pithy pieces. I find myself returning to words he penned in 1880: There will be no such thing as sameness in the objects, no such thing as tameness in the […]