Advent 2020

Advent Reflection. Take a moment to close your eyes and go on a journey of remembering. Think back to when you were a little child and some special event was to occur in the very near future. You may have been awaiting a birthday or a holiday or Christmas. As you remember, tap into the […]


Advent Musings Every year as we celebrate the Season of Advent many reflections are offered for us to ponder. Here is another one. As a child the Season usually meant an impatient wait for Christmas. If Advent was even thought about religiously it meant waiting for Jesus to be born in a stable in Bethlehem […]

Embracing inclusion at Figtree Early Learning Centre, Croydon

To acknowledge the International Day of Persons with Disabilities (3 December) and Pope Francis’ December prayer intention: For persons with disabilities, St Anthony’s Family Care provides a feature on their Figtree Early Learning Centre. Ensuring the meaningful inclusion of children at Figtree Early Learning Centre is not just a social and moral responsibility; it is […]