Remembering Previous Military Service on ANZAC Day

On ANZAC Day (25 April) we remember those who have served in the defence forces of Australia and New Zealand. Two Western Australian based Sisters of Saint Joseph, Sisters Julie O’Sullivan and Carla Curran, served in the military prior to making their commitment to religious life. During World War II, Sr Julie served in the […]

Illness – a Painful Process of Defoliation

What amazing, spectacular creations our bodies are! Out of all the wondrous things that our Creator God brought into being, surely how we are structured is the most magnificent. We are made up of many living cells, neurons, chromosomes, hormones and DNA that all work together and enable us to exist, function and change over […]

Doug the Dog

What a wonderful gift this cute, roly-poly, little, white dog is to the residents of MacKillop House at Norwest in New South Wales. Rae, who was our manager, Fiona our Chaplain and myself as representative of the residents at MacKillop House, were invited to go on The Dog House, a heart-warming TV show where we […]

Mary MacKillop goes to Rome

To celebrate 150 years since Mary MacKillop embarked on her first overseas journey (March 1873 – December 1874), the Sisters of Saint Joseph share reflections and details from Mary’s travels to and from Europe – sourced from Mary’s letters and Congregational Archives as she visits Italy, Germany, Scotland and Ireland. “I am going to Rome… […]

JJAMM (Joseph, Julian and Mary MacKillop) 2023

And that’s a wrap on JJAMM 2023! What a fun, empowering, and faith-filled ride it was. Our Josephite student leaders journeyed across Australia and New Zealand to join forces in their collective pursuit for justice in the name of the Josephite tradition. It was a privilege to watch these gifted and insightful young leaders reinvigorate […]