Visiting the Well

An opportunity to use the scripture of the Woman at the Well as well as our own lived experience. A story of encounter, having our eyes opened, being vulnerable, going deeper, times of dryness, transformation and new life and being asked to proclaim the good news. Guided by: Jenny Scally rsj When: Monday 17 – […]

Goodbye Gippsland

After 120 years of faithful, loving service, on Tuesday 31 January, 22 sisters including Victoria-Tasmanian Regional Leader, Sr Sue McGuinness, made their way to St Joseph’s in Warragul, Victoria for a farewell from the Diocese of Sale. Sr Madeleine White’s move to Melbourne at the end of 2022 marked the end of the Josephite presence […]

Day of Prayer and Contemplation

Come to spend time reflecting on how our God is calling you forward in your life right now. Come-Reflect-Reconnect Prayer Days at Safety Bay When: Tuesday 5 December 2023 Where: Kilmolee at Safety Bay, 182 Arcadia Drive, Safety Bay, Western Australia Cost: $20 RSVP: Friday 1 December 2023 Contact: call (08) 9527 3240 or email […]

Day of Prayer and Contemplation

Come to spend time reflecting on how our God is calling you forward in your life right now. Come-Reflect-Reconnect Prayer Days at Safety Bay When: Thursday 12 October 2023 Where: Kilmolee at Safety Bay, 182 Arcadia Drive, Safety Bay, Western Australia Cost: $20 RSVP: Friday 6 October 2023 Contact: call (08) 9527 3240 or email […]

Day of Prayer and Contemplation

Come to spend time reflecting on how our God is calling you forward in your life right now. Come-Reflect-Reconnect Prayer Days at Safety Bay When: Tuesday 11 July 2023 Where: Kilmolee at Safety Bay, 182 Arcadia Drive, Safety Bay, Western Australia Cost: $20 RSVP: Friday 7 July 2023 Contact: call (08) 9527 3240 or email […]

Day of Prayer and Contemplation

Come to spend time reflecting on how our God is calling you forward in your life right now. Come-Reflect-Reconnect Prayer Days at Safety Bay When: Thursday 21 March 2023 Where: Kilmolee at Safety Bay, 182 Arcadia Drive, Safety Bay, Western Australia Cost: $20 RSVP: Friday 17 March 2023 Contact: call (08) 9527 3240 or email […]

Continual Good Light

Recently, my brain has lit up like a lightbulb through counselling study, and the latest New Zealand Catholic Bishops Conference (NZCBC) and National Centre for Religious Studies (NCRS) documents. It has been fascinating to define sexuality, and it’s led me to reflect… How does it link with Christianity and Saint Mary MacKillop? Why is understanding […]

‘Circling’ with Fresh Courage

Written for World Day for Consecrated Life which is on the feast of the Presentation of the Lord – 2 February 2023. Recently, nine Sisters of Saint Joseph gathered at Mission Bay, Auckland, in Aotearoa New Zealand. We sought to respond to God’s call, “Enlarge the space of your tent, spread out your tent cloths […]

Australia Day 2023

As we celebrate Australia Day, we reflect on all those Australians who have dedicated their lives in service of their sisters and brothers, our everyday heroes and heroines. Many will be recognised in Australia Day citizen awards and others will formally become Australian citizens. Australia Day provides us with the opportunity to reflect upon what […]