Christmas Messages for 2019

Regional Leaders and Sisters representing their regions, have provided Christmas messages for you to reflect on and enjoy… Christmastime In Ireland Christmastime in Ireland means the weather is dark, damp and cold and we are all layered in thick jumpers, padded coats, warm gloves, woollen scarves and hats and strong boots. The shops sparkle with […]

A Day in the Life: Christmas Messages from Committee Chairs

The Sisters of Saint Joseph have committees covering different aspects of the Congregation such as communications and justice. For this month’s A Day in the Life feature, the Chairs from the Committees were asked to provide a Christmas message. You’re invited to view the messages below: Congregational Immersion and Discernment of Call (CIDC) Team The […]

In the Footsteps of Mary MacKillop Pilgrimage

On Tuesday 22 October, 21 people arrived in Melbourne to participate in the National Pilgrimage – In the Footsteps of Mary MacKillop. During the time of pilgrimage, pilgrims had the opportunity to hear of the struggles, joys, hopes and dreams of Mary, her family and Father Julian Tenison Woods and the needs of the early […]

Students Called to Action through Stewardship

Students at Mary MacKillop College, Nundah in Queensland, were called to action last week when they celebrated the College’s Penola Day. At the College, Penola Day (7 October) commemorates the anniversary of the death of Father Julian Tenison Woods. Fr Julian was not only a gifted missionary priest and co-founder of the Sisters of Saint […]

France Inspired by St Mary MacKillop

For the Extraordinary Missionary Month of October, the Catholic Diocese of Versailles, France prepared an online St Mary MacKillop reflection and biography about the life of Mary MacKillop. Provided below is the Mary MacKillop biography that was prepared… First canonised Australian saint, co-founder of the Congregation of the Sisters of Saint Joseph of the Sacred […]

Media Release: Sisters of Saint Joseph elect new Congregational Leadership Team

The Sisters of Saint Joseph elect new Congregational Leadership Team. Sydney, 17 October 2019 – The Sisters of Saint Joseph of the Sacred Heart has this week elected a new Congregational Leadership Team to take forward the vision and direction of the Congregation for the next six years.  Sister Monica Cavanagh has been elected to […]

Children’s Day Australia

The spirit of Mary and Julian lives on in Catholic Schools where children are focus. Universal Children’s Day is a celebration of children’s rights, talents and citizenship. It is celebrated on 23 October in Australia and on 20 November around the rest of the World each year. Mary MacKillop and Fr. Julian Tenison Woods encouraged […]

In Footsteps of Founders, Honouring Tim Fischer

Honouring our Founding and remembering Tim Fischer, Boree Creek, Riverina, NSW. On Saturday 31 August, on a sudden impulse, we decided to drive from Leeton to nearby Boree Creek for morning tea. With the moving State tribute to Tim Fischer still fresh in our minds, it seemed like a good idea to honour him by going […]

Excursion to Mary MacKillop Place

Boundless, a young adults group from the Northern Suburbs of Sydney, recently visited Mary MacKillop Place, North Sydney to learn more about Saint Mary MacKillop. With Saint Mary MacKillop’s Feast Day approaching on 8 August, I thought it was a great opportunity to organise and invite members of my young adults group ‘Boundless’ to an […]

Approval of Josephite Federation 1967

Journey of the Josephite Federation. The approval of the Josephite Federation came in the form of a Decree of Establishment from the Sacred Congregation of Religious given in Rome on 28 July 1967, in response to the request made by the Congregations of the Sisters of Saint Joseph situated in Perthville, Diocese of Bathurst; Goulburn, […]

Perthville Foundation Day 1872

Honouring the Perthville Story – Foundation Day, 16 July 1872. The most common name for a Catholic School in New South Wales (NSW) is St Joseph’s. Currently 77 (one in every eight), NSW Catholic schools bear the name of Joseph.  The first St Joseph’s Catholic School in NSW was begun on 16 July 1872 in […]