A Day in the Life: Education Ministry

Head of Mission Caritas Australia. My ministry as Head of Mission Caritas Australia is quite different to any of my other ministries and yet incorporates so many aspects of my former roles. Caritas Australia is the international and development aid agency of the Catholic church in Australia. The vision of Caritas “to end poverty, promote […]


Feast of the Sacred Heart

Personal Reflection on the contemporary relevance of devotion of the Sacred Heart. Go forth from the heart and centre of your own being in order that you may find your own heart.Karl Rahner Whilst writing a reflection for the Feast of the Sacred Heart, my memory takes me back to the first time I gazed […]


Sisters of Saint Joseph Welcomed

Father Woods welcomes the Sisters of Saint Joseph at Port Adelaide, 23 June 1867. On Tuesday, 25 June 1867, the following news item appeared in the Adelaide Advertiser. While the style of writing is not that of Father Woods himself, there is no doubt that he would have provided the information contained in it. Maybe, […]


A New Rule for a New Time

Father Julian Woods: A New Rule for a New Time. Today, as I reflected on a recent message I received from Sr Monica, I found myself looking back over the past 160 years to Julian Woods as a young priest in charge of one of the most isolated parishes in South Australia. His bishop had […]


First Tasmanian Foundation, Westbury 1887

24 May – a significant day for Sisters of Saint Joseph in Tasmania May 24 has been a significant date in Catholic history since 1815 when Pope Pius VII declared it to be the feast day of Our Lady Help of Christians—marking the date of his release from imprisonment by Napoleon during the French occupation […]


First steps towards the Foundation of the Order

Father Julian Tenison Woods: First steps towards foundation—little did they then dream On 19 March 1866, Julian Woods and Mary MacKillop took their first tentative steps towards the foundation of the Institute [1] of Saint Joseph. Mary, who had charge of the catholic school in Penola, indicated her commitment by wearing a black dress. Years […]


Walking in Two Worlds: Ancient Cultures and New Settlers

New Zealanders expressed both grief and unity at the time of the Christchurch tragedy; they showed the world that humanity can rise after terrible events They honoured the dead, fostered unity and demonstrated the truth of the inclusive ‘us’. Their Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern, embraced the whole of the nation’s heritage and culture: of those […]


St Mary MacKillop School Wallaroo

You’re invited to read a speech by Helen Duke rsj delivered at St Mary MacKillop School, Wallaroo, South Australia – Australia’s longest continuing Josephite School 1869-2019. Good afternoon and thank you for this opportunity to say a few words on this special occasion, your sesquicentenary. Wallaroo was very familiar to Mary MacKillop, her footprints would […]


St Joseph’s Day Message from Sr Monica

Greetings on the feast of Saint Joseph. May this feast day provide each one with the opportunity to live in the humble spirit of Joseph as people called to make a difference in our world. Mary MacKillop and Julian Tenison Woods chose Saint Joseph to be the Patron of the Sisters of Saint Joseph of […]
