A Laudato Si’ Action Plan for the Josephite Community

 The Sisters of Saint Joseph of the Sacred Heart, in collaboration with the Sisters of St Joseph Lochinvar, are delighted to launch their Explore~Embrace~Embody Laudato Si’ Action Plan for the Josephite Community on the anniversary of the death of their co-founder, Fr Julian Tenison Woods (7 October). Explore~Embrace~Embody is a Josephite Action Plan for […]


Soft Plastics Campaign

 Wrapping Up our Soft Plastics campaign  Sr Mary-Ann Casanova from the Sisters of Saint Joseph and Project Officer for the Josephite Laudato Si’ Action Plan Group provides a campaign update – filmed on location in South Australia on the world’s first bridge made of soft plastics!  In early 2023, we kicked off the Soft […]


Our Eco-Heroes

Josephites have done and are doing much in the ecological space. The implementation of the Explore~Embrace~Embody Laudato Si’ Action Plan provides new impetus in responding to the call to renewal, to eco-conversion and sustainable living. There are many wonderful environmental and social initiatives and actions taking place across the Sisters of Saint Joseph. Let’s meet […]


Josephite Mission and History Centre – An Oasis of Peace

To walk into this building is to walk into history. This is the view frequently expressed by visitors to the Josephite Mission and History Centre in Hobart, Tasmania. Here we acknowledge and celebrate the past to gain inspiration for the present and vitality for the future. Many people speak of an atmosphere of serenity permeating […]


Diamond Jubilee Celebration 2022

Sisters celebrating their Diamond Jubilees were delighted to come together as they entered the Chapel at Mary MacKillop Place for their Mass of Thanksgiving, The marking of their Jubilees had, as had others, been postponed due to the pandemic. Finally on 15 September 2022, the Sisters were able to celebrate their commitment of 60 years […]


Anniversary of Father Founder Julian Tenison Woods

This death anniversary (7 October) of Father Founder, Julian Tenison Woods, comes at a time of worldwide concern for our environment and all people, especially the most impoverished. ln this crisis we look to Father Woods, a natural scientist ahead of his time in recognising the interconnection of all creatures. His scientific peers wrote after […]


Making A Difference – A Reflection on St Mary MacKillop

Never see a need without doing something about it.Mary MacKillop In 1866, together with Father Julian Tenison Woods, Mary MacKillop founded the Sisters of Saint Joseph of the Sacred Heart and opened a school to provide free education for the children of Penola, South Australia. From this small beginning, Mary went on to establish Catholic […]


The Foundations of the Josephite Charism across NSW

Our First Three Seedbeds The story of the presence of the Sisters of Saint Joseph in New South Wales (NSW) grew from three distinct seedbeds – with the planting of the Josephite charism by our pioneering Sisters. These small seedbeds were planted with love, grew out of the soil of trust in God’s Providence and […]
