Let’s Cultivate the Vision of Father Julian Tenison Woods

Julian Tenison Woods was gifted with the ability to see the presence of God in all that surrounded him. His God was embedded not only in human life and the people around him, but in the entire creation. In a letter he wrote to Mary MacKillop in 1870, he said, “God’s beauty, God’s goodness, God’s […]


Season of Creation: The World is Our Household, Let’s Honour It

The Season of Creation is a month-long prayerful observance, from 1 September to 4 October, that calls the planet’s 2.2 billion Christians to pray and care for God’s creation. It is a time to reflect on our relationship with the environment — not just “distant” nature, but crucially, the place where we live — and […]


A Josephite Companion’s Reflection on Father’s Day

For the Josephite Companion Movement, 2021 has been a year of new beginnings: a new name and structure, and new ways to “Gather Together”. We have surmounted many obstacles and climbed many hills. We have had meetings and prayer sessions via email, video, phone, Zoom and, in some lucky cases, in person. All this has […]


Cry of the Earth, Cry of the Poor: Social Justice Sunday 29 August

In a short space of time the peoples of planet Earth have witnessed bushfires, floods, and catastrophic environmental damage. Good people everywhere ask, “What is the right and proper way to respond?” I spoke to Olkola/Djabaguy woman Sherry Balcombe about this. “We as Aboriginal people know the Earth is the most sacred of gifts given […]
