ANZAC Day 2021

My great grandfather Duncan was an ANZAC, served as a Sergeant-Major, and survived both World Wars. My aunty Sally fought leukemia and unfortunately did not survive, dying on ANZAC Day in 2002. On ANZAC Day I remember them both. When they went to fight their own wars they were in their twenties – like me.

Flora – A Woman of Faith

Flora MacKillop (née MacDonald) was born in The Ben Nevis (Hotel) in Fort William in the Scottish Highlands in 1816. At the time her father Donald was the proprietor. She was the only girl with two brothers, Alexander and Donald. The family migrated to Melbourne in 1840 with their mother Catherine, while their father came […]

A Fair Go

The Christian belief is that all people are equal in God’s sight. The Christian concept of love of neighbour is starkly different from the self-seeking competitiveness we often find in today’s world. Jesus identified with the poor and marginalised people, whereas current society often highlights the rich and powerful for adulation. Jesus advocated for a […]

2021 Easter Reflection from Sr Monica

May Easter be a bright and joyous day.Mary MacKillop 1.4.1906 Today we celebrate the great feast of the Resurrection in our Christian Tradition. Over these past few days, we have stood at the Cross with Mary and the other women in silence and disbelief at what has taken place. We have waited at the tomb […]

Josephite Light Shines on Peru Mission’s 40th Anniversary, Despite COVID-19

For four decades the Josephite mission in Peru has maintained the spirit of St Mary MacKillop through many hardships—all of them shared with the Peruvian people. The COVID-19 Pandemic is the latest challenge faced by the mission, which celebrated its 40th year on 1 April. Sister Clare Conaglen spent 16 years in the mission and […]

Reflection on Mary MacKillop

Reflecting on Mary MacKillop’s eventful life there is a realisation that she lived a type of nomadic existence. Her grounded spiritual approach to life enabled her to travel to establish new foundations and to meet the needs of the sisters and the needs of the times. Her journeys took her to many parts of the […]

Sisters of Saint Joseph Arrive in The Rocks

Sisters of Saint Joseph arrive in The Rocks area of Sydney, New South Wales On the evening of 6 March 1880, two Sisters of Saint Joseph arrived in Gloucester St, Sydney to take up residence in a small rented cottage to which they invited the needy of the Rocks area – women and children who […]

JJAMM 2021

  JJAMM – Joseph, Julian and Mary MacKillop Every year, around this time, I sit down to write an article to share with our Josephite community, informing you all of our JJAMM gathering. Every year I struggle for a new angle, because, quite honestly, every year is the same – inspirational, rewarding and such a […]

Lent – A Time for Engaging with Difference to Make a Difference

Practise Deeper Listening to Bring About Change Ash Wednesday occurs on 17 February to begin the season of Lent in 2021. The ritual will be a little different this year. Due to the current global pandemic, the Vatican has advised there will be no marking of our foreheads with a cross of ashes. Instead, there […]