Liveable Incomes for All

Auckland Action Against Poverty (AAAP) organised a protest outside PM Jacinda Ardern’s office in Mt Albert on Wednesday 9 December simultaneously with United Community Action Network (UCAN) in Wellington after more than 40 welfare and poverty charities signed an open letter to the Government pleading for them to increase welfare in the lead up to […]

Pope Francis declares a Year of St Joseph

Have you ever thought of St Joseph as a creatively courageous father? That is how Pope Francis described Joseph as he announced a Year of St Joseph (8 December 2020 – 8 December 2021) in honour of the 150th anniversary of Saint Joseph being named as patron of the Universal Church. Having celebrated the 10th anniversary of Mary […]

Walking Together with Open Eyes

United Nations (UN) Human Rights Day – 10 December When I was working in Kenya in 2004, I had the opportunity to visit a slum school and was greeted by 7-year-old Ashuru, who companionably took my hand and showed me around, introducing me to his friends and leading me into his classroom – a simple […]


Josephite sisters and many others take an opportunity each year to move away from the busyness of their ordinary daily life. They choose to retreat from the surface of life – to become centred and still. Their focus is to deepen their relationship with God. There are special locations or Retreat Centres where a person […]

Christmas Messages for 2020

Regional Leaders and Sisters representing their regions, have provided Christmas messages for you to reflect on and enjoy… The Story of the Pohutukawa Tree The following is a story of the Aotearoa Christmas Tree which is new to me!  After much reflection I found the connection to the traditional Christmas story. I’ll leave you to […]

Reflection on Mary MacKillop

The Queensland Sisters of Saint Joseph were honoured to have Bishop E. J. Cuskelly as chaplain. Frank Fletcher MSC in one of his memorial lectures likens Cuskelly’s spirituality to the description by E.E. Cummings: Here is the deepest secret nobody knows (here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud, and […]

International Day of People with a Disability 2020

St Anthony’s Family Care supports children and young people with disabilities to achieve their greatest potential. St Anthony’s Family Care (SAFC) support children and young people with disabilities through our ‘EPIK’ Disability Services, an acronym for Encouraging Potential in Kids. Our commitment to deliver EPIK services goes hand in hand with the mission of the […]

Wilcannia Sisters Amalgamate with North Sydney Josephites 1902

Sisters of the Diocese of Wilcannia Amalgamate with North Sydney Josephites Among the many twists of history and blessings of divine providence associated with the Sisters of Saint Joseph, is the story of those sisters who were appointed from The Vale (Perthville) to several small towns in western New South Wales. This is their story. […]

Advent 2020

Advent Reflection. Take a moment to close your eyes and go on a journey of remembering. Think back to when you were a little child and some special event was to occur in the very near future. You may have been awaiting a birthday or a holiday or Christmas. As you remember, tap into the […]

Birth of Fr Julian Tenison Woods

From Southwark, England to Southport, Tasmania. On 15 November 1832 in Southwark, England, Henrietta St Eloy Tenison, wife of James Dominick Woods, gave birth to a son, Julian Edmund Tenison Woods. As in any family the birth of a child is received with great joy and perhaps even wonder at what this child might do […]