A Day in the Life: Rural Ministry

I might begin with today, 5 October 2020, in Cloncurry, “the friendly heart of the great North West” of Queensland. Where is Cloncurry? I hear you ask – 120 kilometres east of Mount Isa. Of course, the day’s activities depend on which day of the week, which month and which Season of the year one […]


Sr Rita Joins ‘The Life’ Sisters Panel

Featured in the Global Sisters Report (GSR) is a series called The Life. The Life is a monthly feature about the unique, challenging and very specific lives of women religious around the world. The format is simple: GSR poses a question and publishes responses from several sisters who are part of a panel of 20. […]


A Day in the Life: Sr Kim Barnes

A Day in the Life of Kim Barnes rsj – Lochinvar Josephite We don’t accomplish anything in this world alone… and whatever happens is the result of the whole tapestry of one’s life and all the weavings of individual threads from one to another that create something.  Sandra Day O’Connor And so, reflecting on this, […]


A Day in the Life: Mary MacKillop Today

Mary MacKillop Today. 2020 has been an eventful year across the globe with everyone heavily impacted by the disruptions of COVID-19. The most vulnerable communities in Australia and around the globe are of course, feeling the greatest impact of the pandemic upon their lives. In our work at Mary MacKillop Today we have been blessed […]


A Day in the Life: Irish in Australia / Ireland

The invitation to write an article on “Irish in Australia/Ireland” evoked many memories around the generic involvement of the Irish in the Congregation as well as my own personal memories. On reading the stories of Saint Mary of the Cross MacKillop I learnt that there were Irish women among her first companions. One of the […]


A Day in the Life: Ministry with Survivors of Human Trafficking

The Impact of COVID-19. In 2005 I established Josephite Counter-Trafficking Project (JCTP) to promote, by way of holistic direct services, the spiritual, physical and emotional development of people who have undergone the trauma of being trafficked to Australia. Since then I have continued to provide culturally sensitive support and direct services to trafficked children, women […]


A Day in the Life Series: Seafarers

Port Chaplaincy – Sydney Ports. The Sydney waterfront portrays a rich tapestry of maritime life and industry. It is always a colourful, sometimes funny and often harsh but never a boring environment to minister within as Port Chaplain. My role mainly involves that of presence within the port, and I regularly play the roles of […]
