The Friendship of Mary MacKillop and Julian Tenison Woods

Each year we recall Julian Tenison Woods on the 7 October anniversary of his death and laud his talents and deep spirituality. While Mary and the early sisters didn’t readily express their attachment to Julian’s eco-spirituality in writing, I am certain that his vision brushed off on them and that they shared his wonder at […]

Julian’s Day 2021: Let’s learn to live in harmony with nature!

To celebrate the 7 October anniversary of the death of Fr Julian Tenison Woods, co-founder of the Sisters of Saint Joseph, this year we have done something special. Fr Julian was a man of many talents: an environmentalist, scientist, priest, explorer, campaigner for social justice and the rights of Indigenous people, among many others. To […]

Honour Father Julian, Care for the Earth

Commemorating Julian Tenison Woods’ anniversary of death (7 October), we examine his vision from our present time and perspective. In the 1860s, Julian Tenison Woods invited Mary MacKillop to share his vision of a group of women working with children and families in Australia. His vision was born of the country areas he ministered in, […]

Let’s Cultivate the Vision of Father Julian Tenison Woods

Julian Tenison Woods was gifted with the ability to see the presence of God in all that surrounded him. His God was embedded not only in human life and the people around him, but in the entire creation. In a letter he wrote to Mary MacKillop in 1870, he said, “God’s beauty, God’s goodness, God’s […]

What Did Julian Tenison Woods Say About Indigenous Australians?

When the ordained ministry of Julian Tenison Woods began in Penola in 1855 he soon saw the conditions under which the local Aboriginal people lived. What he observed raised concerns that remained with him for the rest of his life. Several times, on his various journeys, he wrote about the Aboriginal people he encountered.

What Would Fr Julian Say About Climate Change?

What would Fr Julian Tenison Woods have to say about climate change? Sr Josephine Mitchell imagines an interview with the scientist, priest and Josephite co-founder on the “MJ Media Network”… Interviewer: It is my great pleasure today to welcome to the program, a remarkable man who needs very little introduction, Father Julian Tenison Woods. A […]