National Volunteers Week 2020

Volunteering at Mary MacKillop Place, Mount Street, North Sydney. Arriving at the Business Centre of North Sydney the scene is one of a busy working environment. Cars, buses and people going many ways to engage in their daily duties to serve the community. A short walk up the hill of Mount Street we arrive at […]

In the Steps of Borrowed Shoes

For International Day of Families this year, our author focused on how at a time of great exclusion, the Sisters made an indigenous girl captain of the school debating team, and in their borrowed shoes, they won. This is a memory, not a history. For over half a century I thought this story belonged to […]

Building a Positive Future: St Anthony’s Croydon

St Anthony’s Family Care in Croydon NSW has, for over 60 years, been supporting the local community. At St Anthony’s Family Care, we have achieved our support to the local community through a range of services focusing on the needs of children and families. Our services have changed with the years, but we have always […]

Ecological Grief and Our Response

In Australia, the year 2020 began with every state and territory in our country alight in the most terrifying of circumstances. Between November 2019 and March 2020, it is estimated 18 million hectares have burned throughout the country. The impact of these fires is far-reaching. From smoke filled cities, towns, beachside communities and beyond, thousands […]

In Good Faith Podcast

Sr Rita Malavisi was recently featured in a podcast titled ‘In Good Faith’ speaking about her ministry for the organisation ‘A Nun’s Life’. As stated on ‘A Nun’s Life’ website, “In Good Faith features guests who are nationally known for their ministry in spirituality, religious life, discernment, and many other areas.” You’re invited to listen […]

International Earth Day 2020

22 April is International Earth Day and this year will mark the 50th Anniversary. The theme for Earth Day 2020 is climate action. The enormous challenge, but also the vast opportunities, of action on climate change have distinguished the issue as the most pressing topic for the 50th anniversary. Climate change represents the biggest challenge […]

Working Together to Manage Change and Transition

Australian families and communities have experienced significant change and loss following the drought, fires and floods that have defined 2020. As the pandemic situation changes shape daily and we are required to adapt and change so rapidly, it is normal and natural for children, young people and adults to respond in unique and varied ways. […]

Passion Sunday 2020

Ours is an age when pilgrimages, processions and trekking have made a comeback. Ours is an age when pilgrimages, processions and trekking have made a comeback. Whether we walk for our health, to enjoy the countryside or to take a spiritual journey, people usually walk with a purpose. Many walk the Camino, tracing the ancient […]

Our Precious Earth is in Need of Our Protection

While watching Q+A recently I was inspired by the statement: Wouldn’t it be wonderful if the Indigenous Culture was at the heart of our Australian identity. Anthony Lehmann (Lehmo) Q+A, ABC, The Australia Identity: Who are We? – March 2020 I began creating the sculpture with the conviction that healing our broken and wounded Earth […]