Diamond Jubilee Celebration 2020

Congratulations to the Sisters of Saint Joseph of the Sacred Heart who have celebrated 60 years of Religious life! The Diamond Jubilee celebration for the Sisters of Saint Joseph who made their first vows to God sixty years ago was joyous. The whole time of their gathering at Mary MacKillop Place, Mount Street, North Sydney, […]


Golden Jubilee Celebration 2020

Congratulations to the Sisters who have celebrated 50 years of Religious life! At the beginning of January 2020, thirteen Sisters of Saint Joseph from across Australia and New Zealand gathered at Mary MacKillop Place to celebrate the Golden Jubilee of their religious profession. The group of sisters came from three traditions—Sisters of St Joseph of […]


The Feast of the Epiphany

We learn from the Gospel of Luke that the first people to visit the newborn child, Jesus, were shepherds, Jewish men, sent by angels. They left their flocks and found the newborn child in the stable of a Bethlehem inn. They were filled with great joy and returned to their sheep, loudly praising God and […]


New Year 2020

Congregational Leader Sr Monica Cavanagh, provides us with a message for the New Year 2020… Greetings as we step over into the threshold of a New Year. May 2020 be filled with many moments of blessing and opportunities to celebrate the gift of life. As we welcome the New Year, we do so with hearts […]


A Prayer in a Time of Drought

As we celebrate this Christmas Season may we be mindful of our burning Mother Earth… Creative and nurturing God, we weep in the face of dry land and fire, dying crops and animals, traumatised families and communities. Our land evolved in Your wisdom over eons. Some people learned to live within its boundaries prospering from […]


Christmas Messages for 2019

Regional Leaders and Sisters representing their regions, have provided Christmas messages for you to reflect on and enjoy… Christmastime In Ireland Christmastime in Ireland means the weather is dark, damp and cold and we are all layered in thick jumpers, padded coats, warm gloves, woollen scarves and hats and strong boots. The shops sparkle with […]


A Raindrop Story

A Raindrop Story… I love to listen to stories that paint all manner of pictures and that take me along with the characters. In 1985 whilst on a Renewal programme at Baulkham Hills, we were invited to write/welcome our own sacred myth. We were encouraged to just let it flow without any censoring. A suggested […]


Fr Julian: Man of Words – Letter Eleven

Tasmanian Forests: Their Botany and Economic Value [i] was the title that Father Julian Tenison Woods gave the paper he read at the meeting of the Royal Society of NSW on 5 June 1878. In the paper Father Julian presented his observations of the forests he found in Tasmania from 1874-1876. He described various types […]


Raising the Morning Star Flag

On Sunday 1 December 2019, 58 years after it was first raised, the Morning Star Flag was raised again at Mary MacKillop Centre, South Perth. The event was hosted by Alpheus Meage, with a small number of West Papuan friends and supporters, including Sisters of Saint Joseph, who are strong supporters of the West Papuan […]


Bridge for Asylum Seekers

A Message from ‘Bridge for Asylum Seekers’ Ambassador Sr Susan Connelly… Belmore Park in Sydney has all those old trees, plenty of pigeons, and various patches of grass where people lie in the sun, read, or just sit around yarning. It’s been the site of many a demonstration, and is just far enough away from […]


Challenges to include Aboriginal Culture in our Liturgy

During 2019, the Prayer and Spirituality Program at St Joseph’s By the Sea, Williamstown, focussed on the Plenary Council question “What is God asking of us in Australia at this time?” In October, the topic was: “How can we joyfully receive the contributions of our indigenous sisters and brothers?” The presenter was Sherry Balcombe from […]



Advent Musings Every year as we celebrate the Season of Advent many reflections are offered for us to ponder. Here is another one. As a child the Season usually meant an impatient wait for Christmas. If Advent was even thought about religiously it meant waiting for Jesus to be born in a stable in Bethlehem […]
