Life is Like the Seasons

Adapting After Lockdown. With schools resuming regular teaching across Australia after weeks of lockdown, some children will look forward to seeing their friends but for many others, returning to the classroom after an extended period will be challenging, especially for children and young people who are currently managing other life challenges that impact their capacity to adapt to change. The […]

Bread of Life for the World

Elaine Wainwright* offers an ecological reading of two extracts from John’s Gospel — John 3:16-18 and John 6:51-58. Reading the biblical text ecologically is an engaging task. Our current context for this engagement is a world in crisis as the global pandemic coronavirus brings death to the human community. And in this context we can […]

The Whole Universe Moves Towards New Life

While there is a lower class I am in it… While there is a soul in prison I am not free. Eugene V.Debs In light of Holy Week and the COVID-19 pandemic are we being drawn to deeper listening and to see and experience the pain around us? We are experiencing a global movement of […]

A Day in the Life: Spiritual Director

The Art of Spiritual Direction. Just over twenty-five years ago whilst attending the Institute of Spiritual Leadership in Chicago my supervisor’s last words to me were; ‘Lyndall there is the Art of accompanying another and that is one’s natural gift and the skills are what you learn along the way.’ I often recall the wisdom […]

A Day in the Life: Living at Mount St, North Sydney

For this month’s ‘Day in the Life,’ Sr Claire Dawson talks about living at Mount St, North Sydney. In the video below, you’re invited to watch Sr Claire who spoke with Kath Norman (Communications Manager) of her wonderful memories of living at Mount St…

A Day in the Life: Prison Ministry

The prison gate clanged behind me for the last time. Usually, people coming through this gate for the last time are over the moon with happiness. Not I. Today I am sombre? Nostalgic? After six years of teaching literacy at Whanganui Men’s Prison, I have said goodbye. Plenty of pressure from the programmes department to […]

A Day in the Life: Christmas Messages from Committee Chairs

The Sisters of Saint Joseph have committees covering different aspects of the Congregation such as communications and justice. For this month’s A Day in the Life feature, the Chairs from the Committees were asked to provide a Christmas message. You’re invited to view the messages below: Congregational Immersion and Discernment of Call (CIDC) Team The […]

A Day in the Life: Josephite Justice Network & Josephite Action Group

No Two Days the Same. I love being part of the Josephite Justice Network (JJN) and the young Josephite Action Group (JAG). This love was nurtured from childhood.  My father particularly embodied for me what it meant to fight for those pushed to the edges. As well, my Josephite education taught me to see needs […]

Divine Lover of Life

Elaine Wainwright suggests that by contemplating creation we will develop love to care for the Earth community. This extract from the Book of Wisdom 11:22–12:2, written in the second or first century BCE, belongs to the biblical Wisdom Literature which includes psalms and proverbs, poetry and prose. A key characteristic of the collection, distinguishing it […]

A Day in the Life: Spiritual Director

To live and minister in the tranquil and picturesque rural village of Forth in north-western Tasmania has been a wonderful blessing for me. As I gaze down the valley and across to Bass Strait, I thank God every day! No two days are the same in this small spirituality centre. I am the sole resident, […]