Student’s Effort Inspired by Girl Rising Story

Malaika Boyall is an amazing Year 7 student from Mount St Joseph’s, Altona (Victoria) who organised a very worthwhile sold out charity screening recently. Here is the story in Malaika’s own words… A few years ago I came across the book Malala by Malala Yousafzai. I was really moved by her story and her struggles […]

World Food Day 2019

Belonging Gethsemane Community Inc has reached out to people with disabilities who are lonely and socially isolated at Christmas since 1994. Stimulated by awareness of the poverty of residents of boarding houses, we packed gift bags of toiletries, socks, underwear and lollies for hundreds of people each year. As reforms took effect, their situation improved, […]


When your intent is friendship, the humble Aussie sausage will suffice… Recently our young JAG (Josephite Action Group) volunteers had a feast with a group of newly arrived refugee families. We were offered different types of Kibbu, Tabouli, Kouba, salad options, homemade Turkish delight, sesame bars made from a grandmother’s secret recipe, homemade baklava, dulma […]

Social Justice Sunday 2019

This is what Yahweh asks of you, only this, to act justly.Hosea 6:6 The concept ‘Social Justice’ is very wide, including all societies everywhere, and indeed all creatures and our planet. We are increasingly aware of this global reach of social justice, depending as we all are, on how we treat our common home, as […]

Mary MacKillop in Austria

Since 2007, the Apostolic Sisters of the Family of Mary have been organising a four day Youth Meeting and this year, they chose St Mary MacKillop as their Patron. This event coincided with Mary MacKillop’s Feast Day being held from 8 – 11 August in Kundl, Austria. Thirteen years ago, young Catholics from the Austrian […]

Feast of The Exaltation of the Cross

The Feast of The Exaltation of the Cross – 14 September I have a friend who exalts the Cross all year round. She is Sr Dorothy Woodward rsj of the Sisters of St Joseph of Lochinvar, NSW. Since 2006 she has painted over 700 crosses for Catholic Schools and Parishes. A Cross’s significance is carried […]

In Footsteps of Founders, Honouring Tim Fischer

Honouring our Founding and remembering Tim Fischer, Boree Creek, Riverina, NSW. On Saturday 31 August, on a sudden impulse, we decided to drive from Leeton to nearby Boree Creek for morning tea. With the moving State tribute to Tim Fischer still fresh in our minds, it seemed like a good idea to honour him by going […]

The Time is Now and We are Here

The time is now and we are here. I’ve been thinking about this quotation a great deal in recent days, as we’ve witnessed the Australian Prime Minister ignoring the pleas of Pacific Islander peoples, and simultaneously been encouraged to celebrate the Season of Creation. Perhaps the most challenging dilemma facing us however is the call […]

Australian National Pilgrimage

Each year since 1994, the Sisters of Saint Joseph have offered the people of Australia the opportunity to go on pilgrimage, “Walking in the Footsteps of Mary MacKillop”. Several weeks ago I received a phone call from a person who was interested in participating in the national pilgrimage entitled “In the Footsteps of Mary MacKillop”. […]

I Have No Hands Now But Yours

In this month’s reflection from the Little Brown Book Too, authors Sue and Leo Kane invite us to reflect on Saint Mary MacKillop’s deep love for those who lived in poverty. Mary saw herself as blessed by the poor!  Just as the Sisters named in this reflection were inspired by Mary’s love in action, we too are  […]